
I’m Ready Series #3, Pick Your Playlist

/ Series — “I’m Ready!” …

455 Ghost Stories Series# 1, Friendly Ghost

Ghost Stories Series# 1, Friendly Ghost By: D. Karl Thomas &…

#377 Advantage Series# 1, Embrace God The Holy Spirit

#377 Advantage Series# 1, Embrace God The Holy Spirit By: D.…

Day 10 of 10 Days of Prayer

Day 10 of 10 Days of Prayer, Partnering With The Holy Spirit By:…

#303 Holy Spirit

#303 Holy Spirit By: D. Karl Thomas All…

#192 Holy Spirit Filled

Relationships Series# 3, (Tied & True), “Be Filled With…

Day 8 of 10 Days of Prayer

Day 8 Of 10 Days Of Prayer Praying In The Spirit We are always…

#141 Embracing Pentecost #2

Pastor D Karl Thomas Embracing Pentecost #2 Sunday, June 1st,…

#140 Embracing Pentecost

Embracing Pentecost All 4 Gospels record the death, burial…