Prayer Wall

Submit Your Prayer Request

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7


When you pray for one of the requests below, be sure to click on the I prayed for you button so that we can let the requestor know how many times their request has been lifted up.

Request Title# PrayersSubmitted On 
Baby Parker 1June 28, 2024Details
Blessings 3June 28, 2024Details
racing thoughts, fear, paranoia 6June 21, 2024Details
Baby max14June 5, 2024Details
Re: Prayer For Linda18May 20, 2024Details
Prayer that God will provide this week 22May 13, 2024Details
Depression and brain injury 21May 11, 2024Details
Depression and fear, ear infection and loss of hearing22May 5, 2024Details
Prayer for God's favour and mercy20May 2, 2024Details
My dear disciples father is dying from cancer 21April 24, 2024Details
Untitled24April 20, 2024Details
To find a place of peace and passion30April 7, 2024Details
Healing 30April 5, 2024Details
Bad migraine and fear 36March 19, 2024Details
Feeling of being trapped41March 10, 2024Details
Dementia in my family 40February 28, 2024Details
Pray to obtain a job43February 26, 2024Details
Pray for James45February 23, 2024Details
Prayer for a Friend44February 22, 2024Details
Pray for People in my Apartment Complex45February 22, 2024Details
Hole in ear drum46February 17, 2024Details
Healing prayers 46February 10, 2024Details
husband's repentance 58January 22, 2024Details
Troubles in motherhood62January 17, 2024Details
Breakthrough ... 118August 25, 2023Details

Baby Parker

Mini Honade
Need urgent prayers for 8 days old baby Parker who was in NICU at Windsor regional hospital and is now been transferred to Detroit Henry hospital due to worsening of condition. Please please pray for lord Jesus Christ to heal baby marker and for lord to take command of his health and him to home with this parents and brother Grayson.


Hi, I am praying for a financial miracle and permanent provision. I finally have came out of an abusive situation. Thank you.

racing thoughts, fear, paranoia

john neufeld
To pray for my paranoid thoughts and fear, i recently stopped smoking weed, and i can't seam to take the thoughts captive.

Baby max

Mini Honade
Please pray for baby max who is 7 months old and currently on heavy dosage of Vigabatrin for infantile spasms. His MRI brain was clear but he is due EEG on Friday June 7th and neurosurgeon will decide next course of action depending upon the findings. People of lord please pray for him and EEG to be clear.

Re: Prayer For Linda

My first cousin Linda is in the hospital with an infection in her colon. Linda's caseworkers are also looking for a brand new apartment for Linda to live in. Linda has been a drug addict for 56-58 years now. Linda is 72 years of age right now. Linda will be 73 on May 26th, 2024. Linda needs a fresh start as well as a brand new beginning. Linda had emergency surgery on Monday, May 13th, 2024. Had Linda not had the emergency surgery, Linda would have passed away. I led Linda to the Lord Jesus Christ on September 19th, 2010, however, there has not been any follow-up as Linda has never really wanted to attend church with me. Please pray for Linda. Thank you. Blessings, Debora

Prayer that God will provide this week

Someone stole my wallet. I must have left it somewhere. Scotia fraud department called me due to some attempts made on my card, and now I need to get a new debit card with no way to a bank. That wallet also had my last $50 for this week for me to be able to get to and from school, and ro get myself groceries. I am so heavily disheartened. Please pray that our father will somehow provide for me this week.

Depression and brain injury

Jade H
Really bad ear infection and burst ear drums. Need protection and covering. Really scared and afraid. Being abused and bullied, domestic violence so bad. Threats and cut out of parents will

Depression and fear, ear infection and loss of hearing

Jane H
Really bad ear infection, both ears. My mom just hates me so much and I don't know why. She doesn't even speak to me and says she hates me. So does my sister. I really need help to have a normal life again and work please. I want to be able to exercise and go to the gym again please. I can't hear out of my ears, especially the right one. It is majorly infected, Ive taken four packets of antibiotics. I feel depressed about it as it is blocked and it is ringing constantly. It's making me nauseas, I have a broken/pierced ear drum canal also, so it whistles. It's really infected and the ear drum needs to grow back please. I also have a really bad lower back injury and I feel sad and fearful of all my injuries. I can't sit in a chair for very long. All my muscles hurt so much and inside my ears is so itchy and full of puss. I have bad whiplash also. Thankyou

Prayer for God's favour and mercy

I lost my job a week ago and I'm currently under a lot of pressure due to mortgage and bills. I'm asking for God's mercy and favour in my life to restore my income source and give me peace. Amen

My dear disciples father is dying from cancer

Her father is so worried he won’t go to heaven, he has accepted Jesus as God and a good Christian man. Please proofs him to find peace in his final days


anon anon
Please pray for my mum, all her brothers and sisters, all their spouses. my father, all his brothers and sisters and their spouses, my siblings and cousins and all their spouses, to receive Christ this night. Thankyou. I need help please to fly back to London and get through the airport all fine, with all luggage and no problems or back issues. Im scared to fly again after a bad fall. I need prayer to work again also after a bad fall and accidents. Lots of negative talk. I need prayer help to fly again in a plane after a bad fall. I keep having a dream that I will be raped into days and not to go outside. I know the people plotting this. I keep getting attacked by a dog in our street. It costs me a lot of money in taxis to come in and out of the gate so I can't go for a walk or walk outside, not even for the bins. Im scared to stay alone in the house when my mum and sister leave. I need my confidence back after a bad fall and injuries. I need protection and covering as I live in a heavy domestic violence situation with mum, dad, sister and dad's girlfriends. We live in a really unsafe area also with lots of dogs and rapists, lots of unsavoury people, lots of traffic and car accidents here also. Please pray for my mum, dad, sister and brother, spouses and siblings all to receive christ and know Jesus and love. I have really blocked and infected ears, nose and throat. I feel really sick, dizzy and nauseas. I can't focus and lost my concentration im feeling very overwhelmed and lonely. My mother won't let me eat at night when I am hungry. I am not allowed togo anywhere after 8pm for 6 months now. I feel trapped and anxious. She needs to relax her rules a bit. I mostly though, need to be able to travel again after an accident with injuries. Im praying for a miraculous healing so I can get on an airplane and travel long distance please, get rid of fear of flying or any physiological, neurological, spiritual or psychological or fear based reason why I can't book a ticket and confidently get on a plane. Im afraid of nausea, dizziness, vertigo, air sickness and fear of death, dying, being in a confined space and not getting out. Please heal my head and body after concussion, neck, back and hip injuries, pinched nerves, bulging discs, soft tissue muscle damage and let me travel again in any form. Even by boat or car, at higher speed than 40, which makes me panic. I can't even go in lifts and need that healed. Im really unsteady.

To find a place of peace and passion

Hello wonderful people, thank you for taking time to pray for me. I work a job that helps solve crimes and find missing people. I am extremely passionate about this job and put so much into it but as the year progressed, I feel that I have been squeezed out of my role and value has been slowly stripped from me at work. I was a true leader and helper to all that needed assistance but I fear that this has made someone angry. People have started to push back against my ideas, get defensive towards me, stop hearing my voice and stopped following common practices. Overall, I feel that I have been ousted from my role and value. It has been months and I feel extremely isolated, anxious, rejected, and completely exiled. It is to the point where my thoughts are becoming very dark. A once very peaceful work atmosphere has been replaced with stress and extreme discomfort. I am asking for prayers of justice. I request prayers that god blesses me with a better job where people appreciate my efforts and I will once again have peace and passion, and better retention of knowledge for a new role. I know this may be somewhat of a trivial prayer request but it honestly feels like the resulting inner turmoil is killing me 🙁 .


Pray for me. Dear Jesus, can I have godly knowledge? Can I have more deep peace? Can I have more deep sleep? Can you deliver me from instability in my life and make me more stable? I need emotional stability and mental stability. Can you heal more mind from soul rape? Can you set me free? The enemy raped my soul in my minds eye. Can you recover my personhood from soul rape? Cordelia Vogel needs mental stability too and freedom. Can you make me whole in Christ? I had a near death experience. Help me please. Can you heal my old dog Seraphina from wounds? Amen. JESUS IS A GREAT TEACHER.

Bad migraine and fear

I have a really bad migraine and a lot of fear. I hate being inside in this house. I don’t want to go out all the time but I have to as it’s so noisy and unpleasant here. I’m really in love with someone who doesn’t love me. My mom has bad incontinence and can't get to the toilet on time. My family are trying to kill me. They poison my food and scream at me, when I have a brain injury and concussion. They are causing me permanent brain damage and loss of sight and hearing. My ears are permanently blocked. I can’t sleep at night until late. My back hurts a lot after a fall. I can’t move my legs at all. My mum really hates me and keeps pushing her religion onto me. (Not Christian) It’s really hard coming up to Easter . No one wants to help me. Thankyou.

Feeling of being trapped

Good morning, Thank you so much for viewing. I have been feeling very displaced. I'm feeling some sort of call to go to the London area which would mean uprooting entirely, leaving behind some friends and family. They will be disappointed with this decision but the home is ungodly and I feel a strong push to go out on my own. The transition feels overwhelming. I ask for prayers to help with this big transition to a new life. And someday we may be able to see each other during a Sunday service 🙂

Dementia in my family

Tania H
Im living in a heavy domestic violence situation. My dad has a wiccan girlfirned and they ahve sx outside marriage and live together ungodly. He does a lot of wiccan on us also. So does his brother and his wife. I have terrible heart trouble. I need protection and covering. My mum and sister have dementia and severe mental health and heart issues. They do wiccan on me night and day. They are part of mormons. I have breast cancer and skin cancer. I have no friends and i need a job. Please pray for my protection and escape from here. Thankyou

Pray to obtain a job

mara rodriguez
May you help me out praying to obtain a job. may God opens one door. I am a christian, living with my 84 year old mother. I have been actively looking for a job for two years now, and yes...I am desperate. May your prayers help us get this job opportunity breakthrough.

Pray for James

I’m sure a lot of you know, but James was doing a special study for his cancer and they’ve told him that it’s not working and he cannot continue. He has nothing else left that he can do his left. Lung is collapsing. We need urgent prayer for him.

Prayer for a Friend

Please keep Charlie in your prayers - Charlie was in a bad car accident.

Pray for People in my Apartment Complex

Please pray for Charlotte, John, and Michael - they are all involved in occult activity. Pray for complete freedom for them and also pray for my protection.

Hole in ear drum

Elaine Bryan
I would like prayer for Rhonda. She has a hole in her eardrum from a very bad infection and needs to go see an ENT. Please pray for a complete healing before she goes next week to see the ENT.

Healing prayers

Shahana Yasmin
Please pray for my Nuero Parkinson's Patient mother Kebira, admitted in hospital so that her legs are straightened and her body posture is normal enough to stand and walk on her own and her memory and speech becomes normal as nothing is impossible for our Lord Jesus Christ Amen

husband's repentance

Amanda Yoder
Please pray for my husband Paul to completely lose desire for The Other woman and to fall in love with Jesus and fall in love with me and that our marriage will be totally reconciled

Troubles in motherhood

I’ve been trying to recover from an abusive relationship that ended in 2021. I have a four yr old child. I’m struggling with learning to balance day to day life as a mom and am daily faced with challenges that are completely new to me. My mental health is a daily struggle. I have few community resources to pull from, and I have limited (no friends and limited family) personal support. I feel like I am constantly drowning and just don’t have to strength to pull my head above water. Please pray for me to be able to develop the emotional maturity and motherly instincts necessary to enjoy this brief time when my child is a child. My worst fear is to look back with regret.

Breakthrough ...

Chuck Butler
Asking all prayer warrior's to jump in with Colleen and I (Chuck) as we stand together, believing for complete deliverance from all traces of cancer in my father's (Charlie) body. Thanks friends .. ..
Thank you for lifting up this request in prayer.