Health Hacks, Day 4 of 21 Days

Health Hacks, Day 4 of 21 Days
By: Kelly Michalcyk

According to the 2016 Statistics Canada Census, there were 5.9 million seniors in Canada.  More seniors than children aged 14 and under!  The population is aging and expected to increase over the next few decades.

Some equate aging with decreasing health, but I believe that we can age with health and dignity!  You don’t have to lose your eyesight.  You don’t have to lose your hearing.  You don’t have to lose your memory.  You don’t have to get arthritis.

Deuteronomy 33:25 says “as thy days, so shall thy strength be” (NKJV). The NIV states it like this “your strength will equal your days.”  And TLB tells us “and may your strength match the length of your days.”

Older adults can maintain a good quality of life, live independently and confidently!


Pray for the aging in your family and Church.

Pray for those who are caring for their aging parents.

Pray for our Senior Group (Rhema) and the people in the Retirement Homes they minister to.

6 replies
  1. Sheila Willer
    Sheila Willer says:

    Amen; thank you Kelly for this, honoring our Mothers and Fathers . What better way than to pray for their health and well being.
    This Message is making me renew my own youth! Great Hack!

  2. Roger Mason
    Roger Mason says:

    Diminishing health does not have to be the life of a senior. Seniors have alot to offer the Church and the time to do it. I agree.

  3. Karl Thomas
    Karl Thomas says:

    The older I get the the healthier I need to be. I have to much experience to be wasted on bad health. May my body glorify God and be strong to fulfill His purpose today and every day. Job 5:26 (CEV) “You will live a very long life, and your body will be strong until the day you die.” Amen!!!

  4. Deborah and Terry Dewan
    Deborah and Terry Dewan says:

    Kelly, we wholeheartedly agree, not because we are seniors but because we have lived a life that is blessed by God. Thanks for praying for our Rhema Group……p.s. Rhema members pray for you all in our Impact Church family as needs arise. Thanks to Pastor Karl for 21 days of Health Hacks, what a great idea.


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