Health Hacks, Day 20 of 21 Days

Health Hacks, Day 20 of 21 Days
By: Stefan Nichol

Concerning Physicians and Health

38 Honor physicians for their services,
    for the Lord created them;
for their gift of healing comes from the Most High,
    and they are rewarded by the king.
The skill of physicians makes them distinguished,
    and in the presence of the great they are admired.
The Lord created medicines out of the earth,
    and the sensible will not despise them.
Was not water made sweet with a tree
    in order that itspower might be known?
And he gave skill to human beings
    that hemight be glorified in his marvelous works.
By them the physicianheals and takes away pain;
    the pharmacist makes a mixture from them.
God’s works will never be finished;
    and from him healthspreads over all the earth.My child, when you are ill, do not delay,
    but pray to the Lord, and he will heal you.

Sirach 38:1-9

8 replies
  1. D Karls Thomas
    D Karls Thomas says:

    Blessed to be able to embrace God’s promise to heal me. Thankful for those who can be of assistance to my healing along the way. God bless first responders and all those gifted in the medical field who when needed assist me in God’s healing process. Bring on the miracles! Be well my friends!!!

  2. Sheila Willer
    Sheila Willer says:

    Glorious , thank you , for we learned yesterday not all things are beneficial.
    But the Lord has abundantly blessed us with every good thing . That we may be more than
    conquerors. That we may be completely restored . With Shalom peace, nothing missing ,broken
    or taken away. It is so good that we can call on one another; for prayer and wisdom,
    God ,has blessed us with health professionals and health coaches.
    I dig your testimony, I thank God for over comers.

  3. Fay Rowe
    Fay Rowe says:

    I really appreciate your research and very practical advice, Stephan. Your testimony was encouraging; I needed that! Thank you for both.

  4. Katelyn
    Katelyn says:

    Amen, Stefan! Thank you Lord for the wisdom to lead healthy lifestyles and the multitude of ways you have blessed this world through nature (eg nutrition, natural remedies) and through people/professionals to help us. Continue to guide us in becoming the healthiest we can be so that we can have long and full lives, effectively carrying, no LIVING the gospel, demonstrating your goodness everywhere we go. Thank you for miracles Lord, but also thank you for healing processes – physically, emotionally, spiritually. You make all things new as we trust in You!

  5. Terry Dewan
    Terry Dewan says:

    Every Time that I see or hear you, Stephan, brings a feeling that JESUS HEALING IS AVAILABLE TO ANYBODY who wants to change their life for the better. For all times time you came to the Healing Rooms for prayer, I still am amazed at what JESUS can do because of Prayer. You are a Testament to Faith in Healing Power. Never lose your excitement.

    • Terry Dewan
      Terry Dewan says:

      I, myself know the power of answered prayers. Thank you Stephan for your ability to dig into the SCRIPTURES and make them feel personal with your revelation, and openness. God Bless You !!~


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