Health Hacks, Day 12 of 21 Days

Health Hacks, Day 12 of 21 Days
By: Kelly Michalczyk

Research shows us that our environments have the ability to reduce stress and therefore have a positive effect on our health.  In fact, researchers discovered that most people like to pick a natural setting to unwind when feeling stress.

One article I read suggested that even viewing scenes of nature or having a plant in the room can significantly impact your emotional and physical well-being!  Patients with views of trees had less pain and spent less time in the hospital.

I think these researchers are catching up to what the Bible tells us about nature.

From the time the earth was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made.  They can clearly see his invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature.
Romans 1:20 (NLT)

The heavens tell of the glory of God.
The skies display his marvelous craftmanship.
Day after day they continue to speak;
Night after night they make him known.
They speak without a sound or a word;
Their voice is silent in the skies,
Yet their message has gone out to all the earth,
And their words to all the world.
Psalm 19:1-4 (NLT)

O Lord, what a variety of things you have made!
In wisdom you have made them all.
The earth is full of your creatures.
Psalm 104:24 (NLT)

He lets me rest in green meadows;
He leads me beside peaceful streams.
He renews my strength.
Psalm 23:2-3 (NLT)


  • Reconnect with creatures and plants, whether in an animal shelter, garden centre, a city park, a walk on the beach, or to the wilderness if you have access.
  • Join a club or group, whether it is the Saturday morning walking club in London, birding, biking or jogging group, geocatching, or a hiking association.
  • Lay in the grass and watch the clouds travel, star gaze, watch a sunrise or sunset.

A view I love in the summer:

A couple of the articles I read about health and nature:

4 replies
  1. D Karls Thomas
    D Karls Thomas says:

    When you contemplate on the wonder of creation and combine that revelation with that fact that He does all this for us it makes you realize the depth of His desire to provide and care for us. What can separate me from His love! The Lord who has the cosmos in the palm of His hand is my Healer!!!

  2. Sheila Willer
    Sheila Willer says:

    God’s idea, as He created the heavens , the earth and waters, what a good place I am creating for my children to
    inhabit. Only the very best, wonderful is the work of my hands.
    Then he rested, the bible says the Father has invited us to rest with Him. Hum, I wonder, another good God idea, as he knew lives would become busy with work, school and cares.Today the Father of rest is inviting us to get out into our Garden , our waterways, our backyards; to come away with him and ponder His mighty works, to gaze , release and relax.
    Come be still with me and know I am God. Rest in the grass, the waves , the sand, it’s the weekend; get some rest!

    Great word , no limitations , Fantastic and accessible.
    Thanks Kelly


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