Day 5 of 10 Days of Prayer

Day 5 of 10 Days of Prayer
By: D. Karl Thomas

A person was interviewing Pastor Tommy Barnett. He asked him; “Looking back over all your years of ministry what would you do different?” Tommy said, “I would dream bigger and I would risk more!” 

Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is More important than knowledge.” Imagination doesn’t look for evidence it looks for opportunity. What God is calling you to do does not even exist yet. Don’t look for affirmation … no one gets it. People with imagination get excited over nothing!!!  

Everything that exists started as a dream. 

People say I’m a “Blue Sky Guy!”  Some say you are a bit of a utopian or an idealist. To that I say, Thank You! You have to see things with a spirit of faith before it will ever come into manifestation.  

If I were to say, “I have a dream!” You would immediately think of that famous speech by Martin Luther King Jr. But you might not know about some of the background for that speech. Look at the story below: 

“If there’s one Martin Luther King Jr. quote that everyone knows, it’s “I have a dream!” This line came as part of a powerful and inspiring speech on civil rights delivered by the Reverend on August 28, 1963 in front of the Lincoln Memorial. In it, King espoused his vision of a future that included racial harmony, framed around the idea of a “dream” he had. However, originally, there wasn’t meant to be any mention of dreaming.

King had an entire speech written and prepared, but when Mahalia Jackson, a gospel singer in the audience, shouted “tell ‘em about the dream,” King started to improvise. He began speaking from the heart, not his prepared notes, and the result was perhaps the greatest example of public speaking in American history.” (From List On Ranker,com) 

That’s often what my prayer time looks like. “Tell ‘em about the dream!!!” God puts pictures in my heart that I shout back at Him. Just like he said to Joshua, “And the Lord said to Joshua: ‘See! I have given Jericho into your hand, its king, and the mighty men of valor.’”(Joshua 6:2) God is showing you things to propel you into a preferred future. Shout your dreams! 

Listen to what the apostle Paul said to King Aggripa, “Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision,”(Acts 26:19) God is looking to pour heavenly vision into your heart. Prayer is partnership with God. 

What Is Your Dream? Your dream is working on you. Look at this acrostic below:

Distinguishes You

Releases Your Potential

Energizes You

Attitude Aligns

Motivates You 

Prayer Directive: 

Shout out your dream!!! 

What do you see? What are the Heavenly Visions? 

We see the South Western Ontario Area filled with a network of Impact Churches. We see a church with a kingdom minded people, sold out to seeing revival in our communities where lives are equipped and where people realize their purpose. We see a church committed to raising, training, and empowering a generation that is committed to global transformation. We see a church that will fill every sector of culture to affect sustained transformation. We see Impact Church serving as a seedbed for raising up and releasing many leaders to plant churches throughout SWO through an intentional process of focused leadership training and mentoring. We will encourage the development and strategic alignment of team ministries that will go to the nations of the world with an apostolic mandate of realizing global glory. We will not be overlooked or ignored. The IMPACT will be tangible!!!

Day 5 of 10 Days of Prayer, Dream, notes to print, PDF

15 replies
  1. Kelly Michalczyk
    Kelly Michalczyk says:

    I see a city so transformed by the love of God that there is no market for drugs and people experience freedom! I see people traveling to and planting themselves in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia to hear a good God message! I see five services a day in Castlefield because people keep coming to experience the goodness of God! I see us needing another location in Toronto in a hurry! I see more and more and more people coming to Impact London – moving locations isn’t a prayer but a necessity! I see people getting healed! I see people giving! I see people restoring relationships! I see people being happy and having fun! I see it all!

  2. Gord Watson
    Gord Watson says:

    I see a tsunami of God’s grace wiping away all objections to His goodness, all lies about His love and every misunderstanding of the finished work of the cross! I see religious striving stopped and all people surrendering to the Prince of Peace. I see the Kingdom of God exploding into reality all around us as the people of God demonstrate to the world what true Sonship looks like! It is unstoppable and eternal. Can you see it?

  3. Madeline
    Madeline says:

    I see a land filled with so much abundance that we don’t know what to do with it. Just like when Solomon was King there was so much for everyone that abundance was left of the street! I see every single area of people’s personal lives as well as the culture around them, demonstrating such excellence and that it would be a reflection of our God ❤️ This starts with Impacters and trickles out to the city of London> Ontario>Canada>the World XO

    In Earth as it is in Heaven . We agree with you God Thank you for inovative ideas that will bring beautiful simple solutions to what people think might be impossible. God you’re so Great 🙏

    In Jesus name Amen


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