Day 2 of 10 Days Of Prayer January 2025

Day 2 of 10 Days Of Prayer January 2025

Special Note:

This video was recorded just before Christmas. We were thinking of replacing it as just a few days later Kelly lost her husband Greg. We decided to leave it in the order we have it. I do want you to continue to pray for Kelly. I also want to remind you of the Memorial service we will be having on Saturday at 11:00AM to celebrate Greg and his impact on our lives.

It’s a special blessing to be a part of a family like Impact Church when you experience this type of tragedy. I always say, “Impact Church is not a church I go to, It’s a family I belong to. Let’s thank God for the wisdom of Family.

Impact people are committed to living in authentic community. 

You cannot fulfil the purpose for God outside of community.

You can know God without community and get to heaven without community, but you can’t mature or manifest God’s fullness.

IMPACT CHURCH   Vision: “Transforming Lives To IMPACT Their World” Motto: Global Glory    

IMPACT CHURCH MISSION  “To establish a global high-impact church that will raise up team ministries which declare and demonstrate all the Good News of Jesus Christ in a relevant way to this generation causing many people to realize freedom.” 

We are passionate about community. We are serious about fulfilling the one another’s of the New Testament, especially to love one another as Christ has loved us.     

“If I obey out of discipline, I adjust my insides to what God is saying and doing, and that’s fine. But when I do it out of passion, I adjust my outsides. I change everything outside of me, everything that I come in contact with. When I live out of passion, I’m contagious. When I live out of discipline, I’m admired”  Bill Johnson 

Verbs We Value:

Follow — Jesus  

Discover — Purpose  

Connect — Community

Invite — Mission 

Give — Partnership 

Serve — Others


In This Family We  L. A. F. H.  A  Lot.  

1. Love Unconditionally

John 13:34 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you,…” 

Trying not to sin does not lead to loving others. Loving others leads to less sin. 

2. Accept Completely

Romans 15:7 “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” 

“You can safely assume you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out God hates all the same people you do.” Anne Lamott

3. Forgive On Purpose

1 Peter 4:8 {AMP}

“Above all things have intense and unfailing love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins [forgives and disregards the offenses of others].”

Max Lucado (Shaped By Grace).  He was overcome by the revelation the forgiveness of God and His amazing grace.

“What disturbs me most about Jeffrey Dahmer is not his ax, not his trial, and not his punishment but his conversion.”

William Arthur Ward 

“Thoughts of a Christian Optimist” wrote:

Most like beasts when we kill. Most like men when we judge. Most like God when we forgive.

4. Honour Everyone

Proverbs 20:5 “The purpose in a man’s heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out.”

I believe in you. God believes in you. God had a dream and wrapped your body around it. 

Let’s work it out together.


1. Everyone is welcome.    Your background doesn’t matter. 

2. Nobody is perfect.      Bring a Bible and your problems. 

3. Anything is possible.     Simon can become Peter.

Remember to pray for Kelly and the extended family today. Pray for the many families that attend Impact Church. Pray for the Impact Family. This is going to be a year of great growth and acceleration.

33 replies
  1. Irene
    Irene says:

    Happy New Year! This is the year the Lord has made we will rejoice & be glad in it. Grace Upon Grace, Year of Jubilee! Lord we believe for it for everyone to experience it.
    We are forever grateful for your love and faithfulness. Thank you Lord for working through your children to advance your kingdom in the earth for your glory. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven

  2. Kaylee McCorkell-Falconer
    Kaylee McCorkell-Falconer says:

    Incredible statement and prayer, I love hearing this on my way into work, gives me a rush to do good for the day, to keeps God’s spirit within me and to spread it to my coworkers so thank you for sharing. <3

  3. Gord Watson
    Gord Watson says:

    Father, we bless you and thank you that families were your idea from the beginning. Designed to raise, strengthen and nurture individuals in an atmosphere of love and acceptance with You at the centre! May all of our families be shaped by your grace and filled with abundant blessings in 2025 so the world might see your goodness on full display in Jesus name!

  4. Stephen H
    Stephen H says:

    You know many people think that some of the most important things “to God” is His eternal agenda, or His ability to keep satan at bay in this universe… while those are all legit, the #1 most important thing on Gods mind is…US!! His family!! Without us, what’s the sense of anything else?? He wanted a family, and He certainly has one. Now He can bless, bless, and bless some more you and your family!! Scripture says, Jesus sticks closer than a brother! That’s pretty close! I’m privileged and honored to be a part of His family, and yours also…. “My Impact Fam”!!

  5. Angela Hawke
    Angela Hawke says:

    Amen! God is for us! God is blessing us all and placing His healing and blessings on all of our lives and relationships.

  6. Karl Thomas
    Karl Thomas says:

    Love my Impact family. Cheryl and I are so blessed to serve this community. Kelly and Brooklyn are such a big part of our community and we can hardly imagine the pain of losing Greg. We are not without hope. We know Greg is experiencing the fulfilment of the God kind of faith and the grace of God. He is experiencing right now the unfiltered, wonderful presence of Jesus. We will continue to pray for the family as the they navigate, and mourn the personal loss of Greg.

    Thank God for the Body of Christ. Thank you Jesus the wisdom of community. We devote ourselves to fellowship. Bless our marriages. Bless our children. Bless everyone in our community from the youngest to the oldest in Jesus Name!!! AMEN

  7. Chuck
    Chuck says:

    As for me and my household, both my family and church family, we will serve the Lord. I declare truth to the lies holding people captive. Knowing Your truth and setting all free.
    In Jesus name!

  8. Kate Thompson
    Kate Thompson says:

    Praying for you Kelly and Brooklyn – that you know you are held in Gods hands – sheltered by his wings – protected in His hiding place – loved deeply by Him and His people. May you know a peace that surpasses understanding.

  9. Joseph Umoh
    Joseph Umoh says:

    I join the Impact Church Family to support and pray for our beloved Kelly and her family at this time. I pray God “… to console those who mourn, … To give them their beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”
    ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭61‬:‭3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

  10. Elaine Bryan
    Elaine Bryan says:

    I agree with the impact family for Kelly and Brooklyn. Lord, give them comfort help them with their morning. Help them to understand the reasoning behind such a tragic loss. Let them know that their family is there for them in Jesus name amen..

  11. Cathy Mason
    Cathy Mason says:

    Cathy Mason. We totally trust and believe that God has all things in his hands turning the enemies plans around for our good. He is with you Brooklyn and Kelly at this difficult time and so is your Church family. This year I pray that we will see all our family members brought into the Kingdom of God!

  12. Madeline
    Madeline says:

    Thank you Jesus for your covering and comfort surrounding Kelly and Brooklyn <3 Thank you Jesus for authentic, thriving and supportive communities in Jesus name, amen.

    • Karl Thomas
      Karl Thomas says:

      Theresa there are wonderful promises in God’s word. He is a good God.
      Psalm 145:18-19
      The Lord is near to all who call upon Him,
      To all who call upon Him in truth.
      19 He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him;
      He also will hear their cry and save them.

    • Gayle Dew
      Gayle Dew says:

      He’s right there with you. Surrender all your cares, stop any striving, don’t try, just be and see yourself As a child in His lap. Cry, complain, express all your fears and feel His arms and grace holding you tightly. Go love on another and leave all the hard stuff with Him! As God has good plans for you & a wonderful year of breakthroughs in 2025. You are loved!

  13. Arden Urbano
    Arden Urbano says:

    In these troubled times I want to ask for extra strength to not become hateful toward my fellow man and to love others as I love myself. I want to say prayers to the people who have suffered at the hands of others. May we find peace in our lives and continue to do Gods work.

  14. Laurie Nicholson
    Laurie Nicholson says:

    Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! King of kings and Lord of lords! Our Righteousness and our Redeemer! Oh, how I thank You for this beautiful community called Impact Church. Thank You for this family! For some, the Impact family is all they have. May we be that authentic community for our own within Impact and for those around us who need authentic community to find their way to Jesus, to experience salvation and to encounter Jesus for healing and freedom! Show us how to love, Lord. Show us how to love as You love, unconditionally, with compassion and fully. Father, increase our passion for You which will naturally increase our passion for loving others and for serving You! I am so very grateful for Your love that has saved me, set me free and set my heart on fire for You! Holy Spirit, I ask that You would minister to Pastor Kelly, Brooklyn and family members who are going through this unexplainable loss and heartache. We don’t understand, Father, but we trust that You are the God who knows all, sees all and redeems every situation as only You can. I know that You are, and will be, with Pastor Kelly and Brooklyn and family as they walk through their current grief and the grief of the days ahead. May we, the Impact family, continue to lift these precious people up to the Lord in prayer. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

  15. Deborah Dewan
    Deborah Dewan says:

    ‘How precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed!’ Precious is a word used often, applied to so many things. I would say that the Grace of God is most precious to me above all. Being in His family and under His wings of love and compassion cannot be compared to anything else. Thank you Lord for you have brought me to the Impact Church family of which I am so grateful. Pastor Kelly and Brooklyn , you are such an integral part of our family. Our arms are reaching out to you virtually now, in Jesus precious name.

  16. Ingrid Posendorf
    Ingrid Posendorf says:

    God loves community! Impact is a community, diverse and feels like family. It is at times like this, Greg’s passing, that community is shown for what it is! What does it look like, community? It is someone knowing your name, a warm handshake, a smile, a hand on the shoulder, someone taking the time to pray for you, events held for the area, like the Christmas hampers. I came in to help and what I saw confirmed to me that God had led me to the right family. I observed. I watched as I walked around to all the games and the look of the helpers was pure joy. I spoke with many recipients of the hampers and heard many stories. I just moved to Canada with my children and this is such a blessing to our family. We missed the Salvation Army hampers, but we were CHOSEN to get a box. Had we not had this hamper, I don’t know what we would have done.
    This is community. I remember at the other church on Adelaide the end of the summer. Impact had backpacks jammed packed with school supplies, I know because my 2 children received one each. They had a bbq and draws. Not cheap ones, I mean microwaves, tv’s and so much more! Even then I spoke to those who received. They were excited about winning, the kids had their school supplies and hey, they got to eat too. Also when the church served the community meals. I helped. I heard how thankful people were to receive a meal. NOT JUST ANY MEAL! Roast beef, potatoes, and the works. Everyone from church working as a team! Community, accepting people exactly where they are in life and the joy of giving of our time and talents to plant seeds of the love of Christ and how special they are into their hearts. Day 2, Community. Day 1, the year of Jubilee, Restoration, GRACE 5x.

  17. Krista
    Krista says:

    Thank you Jesus for family. Praying for supernatural peace for Kelly and Brooklyn and that that they have a tangible knowing that you have them in the palm of your hand.

    We thank you for every single family in the city of london that you are relentlessly after them with your plans and purposes! We pray that through your church we are able to show them how much you love them. Amen

  18. AJ Brown
    AJ Brown says:

    Father, you have said in your word that you mourn with those that mourn and weep with those that weep, so let Ms Kelly and Brooklyn know that you are with them at this time, I pray that they will feel your unconditional love and also let them experience the love of their Impact family in a new way.
    This is the year for abundant grace and we thank you for it. AMEN.

  19. Jovana
    Jovana says:

    What makes impact so special…. the PEOPLE! Thank you to all who go out of their way to CARE about people. A hello, a hug, prayer or a simple smile. Community does not happen without allowing God’s love to shine through you. So THANK YOU, it does not go unnoticed, especially in God’s eyes. He sees you. He loves you. He is smiling down up upon you.

    Ps. Kelly and Brooklyn, may God’s love overflow in your hearts and your minds. A tangible peace and strength to just cover you entirely. Amen.

  20. Gayle Dew
    Gayle Dew says:

    God has bless us all with the most amazing Church Family, from the youngest to the oldest we love on each other, unto the Glory of God our Father. Impact rocks! Holding Kelly & Brooklyn up in prayer, for supernatural peace, which passes all understanding.

  21. Donna
    Donna says:

    Thank you Pastors Karl and Cheryl for leading Impact Church in such a dedicated and loving way! May God continue to lead and bless you beyond all that you can see or even imagine. I started coming to Impact in July and it is my home not just a church. It’s been a long time since I have felt excitement and joy to go “home and be with family” on Sunday Mornings. I love my family!
    Pastor Kelly and Brooklynn my heart aches for you both as you walk through this very difficult time, losing a precious loved one is not easy. God knows your pain, He see’s you and He is your comforter, your protector, your Father, your rock, your shepherd, your peace, your joy, your constant friend, He is everything you need at this time, so fall into His lap and rest with Him. I pray you feel Gods arms wrapping around you like a warm cozy blanket. Praying for you both! Love Donna
    Thank you for these 10 days of prayer, I’m excited that God has a purpose and plan and His will be accomplished as we set this time aside for Him!

  22. Emily
    Emily says:

    Thank you Father that you created us to be family. Your family and family to one another. Lord we thank you in advance for the family relationships that you are restoring even now. What the enemy meant for harm you use for good! In Jesus mighty name. Amen!

  23. ingrid posendorf
    ingrid posendorf says:

    Please please I need my community! Emergency! Waiting for the judge for form 2. Critical. Jesse has severe mental health issues. Police had to break his door down. Police said he is in critical body condition. Please I NEED MY COMMUNITY

  24. Jen Uzun
    Jen Uzun says:

    Praying for Miss Kelly, Brooklyn and family. As well as our church family. Kelly is such a special person and gives so much of her love to others. I feel immense pain for them. I pray for God to comfort them, give them strength and to just remind them who he is and who they are. I send hugs to whomever needs them. May 2025 bring grace upon grace especially to the broken hearted. Let us be guided by faith and surrounded by the Holy spirit.

  25. Viviana
    Viviana says:

    You are loved Miss Kelly and Brooklyn💜
    Praying for our generation, and their generation and their generation to experience God’s goodness, love and grace.


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