Day 2 of 10 Days of Prayer

Day 2 of 10 Days of Prayer
By: Zach Sloane

Impact Groups

Acts 5:42 (NIV)
“Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.”

Acts 20:20 (NIV)
“You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house.”

The early church had a pattern and habit of meeting both in the temple and from house to house.

They understood that they needed both dynamics of church in their life:

1. They needed to go to the temple, to church. They knew they needed the big corporate gathering where they heard a preached word, worshipped, and experienced the corporate anointing… AND

2. They met house to house. The small groups were where they could meet, talk, interact, pray for each other, minister to one another, and engage face to face with other believers.

We need that too!


1. For our small groups launching in September.

2. Quality, healthy, personal connections and relationships.

3. For times of strengthening and encouraging one another.

4. For the benefits of meeting together, that they are tangibly and demonstrably manifested.

5. God’s blessing on the hosts, the leaders and all who attend.

6. That we see the body of Christ really built up as each person makes their own unique weekly contribution.


3 replies
  1. Michael
    Michael says:

    Father, thank you for calling us into a life of intimacy with you and with one another. Bless our church family and lead us into deeper communion with our brothers and sisters and ultimately with you —the Father of us all. In the name of Jesus…

  2. D Karl Thomas
    D Karl Thomas says:

    Groups are the bast way to allow us to give and receive encouragement to each other in the body of Christ!

    Bless the groups during this season. May many make meaningful connections.

    Thank you for leaders and hosts who will serve others. Bless their efforts and refresh them!!!


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