Day 1 of 10 Days Of Prayer January 2025
Day 1 of 10 Days Of Prayer January 2025
There has been a constant push for polarisation and division but the Lord is going too manifest a fresh Spirit of Faith in God’s people for RECOVERY of all that has been destroyed through a critical divisive spirit. REBIRTH of a Hope that manifests a fresh Spirit of FAITH.
2025. Year of Jubilee … Restoration of all things.
25 5×5 = 25. Grace upon grace or Grace multiplied.
John 1:16-17 AMP. “For out of His fullness (abundance) we have all received [all had a share and we were all supplied with] one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favor upon favor and gift [heaped] upon gift.” For while the Law was given through Moses, grace ([a]unearned, undeserved favor and spiritual blessing) and truth came through Jesus Christ.”
When the enemy sows hate we say LOVE
Division we say UNITE
Death we say LIFE
Lack we say BLESSING
Fear we say FAITH
Hide we say SHINE
Escape we say ADVANCE and OCCUPY
1 Corinthians 16:9
“For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.”
Viktor Frankl, Holocaust survivor who became an eminent US social psychologist, shared numerous significant social psychology concepts, one of which is the space between stimulus and response. In Frankl’s words, “Between the stimulus and response, there is a space. And in that space lies our freedom and power to choose our responses. In our response lies our growth and our freedom” (Frankl, 1946).
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” Viktor E. Frankl. (Man’s Search for Meaning)
How are you going to respond to the open door before you. What is your RESOLVE in this SPACE BETWEEN?
Habakkuk was in the space between. He longed for a manifestation of God’s promise. In his day. He wanted to see the full expression of God’s glory. I love his honest dialogue with God. Look at it with me:
Habakkuk 1:1-5
“O Lord, how long shall I cry, And You will not hear? Even cry out to You, “Violence!” And You will not save.
Why do You show me iniquity, And cause me to see trouble? For plundering and violence are before me; There is strife, and contention arises.
Therefore the law is powerless, And justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; Therefore perverse judgment proceeds.
The Lord’s Reply
“Look among the nations and watch— Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days Which you would not believe, though it were told you.
Habakkuk 2:2-3
And then God answered: ‘Write this. Write what you see. Write it out in big block letters so that it can be read on the run. This vision-message is a witness pointing to what’s coming. It aches for the coming it can hardly wait! And it doesn’t lie. If it seems slow in coming, wait. It’s on its way. It will come right on time.’”
It’s time. We are walking into a season of significant blessing. You are going to be surprised where you see the miraculous influence of God’s Grace this year. Situations and people you believed were impossible to penetrate will experience God’s transforming power this year. Prepare to be amazed.
2025. Year of Jubilee … Restoration of all things.
25 5×5 = 25. Grace upon grace or Grace multiplied.
Ready for a transition of a lifetime!
What are you writing about your future?
What are you writing with?
Careful and cautious or COURAGEOUS
Problems and panic or PEACE AND REST
Fear and frustration or FAITH
Human effort and dead works or GRACE
Come on and pray with me. Let the Spirit animate your prayers and express Divine purpose and initiatives. AMEN!!!
Happy New Year Impact!
5×5 grace. Love it.
Standing in agreement and declaring that this is a year of Jubilee … all things are restored in Jesus name!
Run into wide open spaces, GRACE is waiting for you! Father, flood our hearts with awareness of your good plans for this year and beyond. Give us strong assurance thist this year will be overflowing with your love, provision and strength!
The Grace of God is working aggressively in your world. All things are being aligned with His purposes. I agree with that and call it into manifestation. The Lord will over compensate you for any loss. He is true to His Nature. He will Restore! Thank you for another your of Favour. The righteous shine brighter and brighter!!! Amen!
Happy New Year! Grace upon grace. Grace multiplied. A year of recovery! Amen and amen. Best days right in front of us.
Yes! Jesus we receive all the grace and restoration you have for all your children. Let your favor be undeniable to those around us as we see families, jobs, relationships, finances, health, lives come back together.
Yes and Amen!
Thank You Jesus! This is an explosive confirmation! Huge! I’ve been going through MASSIVE changes in my life recently. I purposed for the year 2025 to be about Him, His ways, my walk, my talk. I had decided that I would sacrifice and get up at the time God says. So up I was by 5 and my friend and I started praying. So much in this little lesson speaks volumes because I already prayed this with my prayer partner. I didn’t know it is the year of Jubilee, but I kept praying over and over that it is a year of restoration, a year where the enemy MUST return 7 fold. The Lord prompted me to delete all my computer games. I did it except one. Backgammon. I had my coffee yesterday morning getting excited to sit and play before I start my day. Before I could open the app, God said NOW. I grumbled, Lord it is only backgammon, NOW, so I held my finger until the x came up, I clicked delete, then again I clicked delete. The moment of the last and final delete, I screamed out at the top of my lungs, (I’m not a quiet person) I AM DELIVERED AND NOTHING ELSE WILL ROB ME OF TIME WITH YOU! After 2 hours in prayer this morning, my daughter felt led to video call me. I shared with her that her mother is not the same person. After, she messaged me revealing how she felt led this morning to delete her one computer game, because it took up about 3-4 hours of her day! I then told her that I had done it yesterday and BOOM a rhema word downloaded in my spirit. What I did yesterday, deleting and being obedient TRANSFERRED TO MY CHILD! I’m so stinkin’ excited I have been shouting! It transferred to my daughter! Then she started messaging me traumas and things that she has felt over the years, things that had kept her in bondage. I repented, asked forgiveness, she gave it, I received it and the year of Jubilee has started IN MY FAMILY! Confirmation! How am I going to respond to the open door before me! I’m ripping that door off of the hinges and I am marching through, with my warrior combat boots on! satan has been given his eviction notice and I told him before I came on to start Day 1, you WILL repay 7 fold because the word says when the thief has been found out! Well, I’ve also slammed that door shut so the enemy cannot come into my home! So I have opened and closed that door!
So, I AM COURAGEOUS, I HAVE PEACE AND REST, I HAVE MOUNTAIN MOVING FAITH AND I RECEIVE GRACE AND I ALSO GIVE IT AWAY! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! The year of Jubilee has started! First in my life, now my family, within hours!! And this is only the 1st of the year. I’m proud to call Impact home! God led me back for a reason, for such a time as this!!
Amen and Amen! This is an amazing testimony and your sharing excites my spirit, Ingrid! Thank you for sharing. Standing strong with you and declaring restoration, healing and continued strengthening and boldness in and for Jesus!!
Wow! What a beautiful and encouraging testimony of God’s superabundant power, love, and goodness!! Thanks so much for sharing Ingrid. Excited to see what God has in store for all of us in 2025! I know it is going to be better than we could ever imagine!
Happy New Year!
Thank you Lord for a MASSIVE download of your love and provision. 2025 will blow our minds with God’s goodness. Yay God you are good! Wealth, Transformation and Freedom in 2025.
Lord, as 2025 dawns, we thank you for your incredible goodness and faithfulness to us in 2024, through all circumstances. We look ahead with hope to see You transforming many areas of our lives and of those around us. It is a privilege to serve you, Lord! We love you!
Happy new year all
Cathy Mason Good Morning to Everyone and Happy New Year!!! God is moving, pushing back the enemies line, see it, believe it, pray it into your circumstances! Expect things to change , not just the big things but in the little things. I love that we have a choice to respond when we make decisions. Lord turn our eyes to you in every situation. Amen! Have a Great New Years Day!!!
Thank you Lord for a massive shift and for the space in between to do your Work. Thank you for your unending and amazing Grace. Shine the light of your Spirit into our lives so that we can become aware of the areas of our lives that need transformation. May the amazing transformation we make in our own lives spill into the lives of others for your highest good!
2025 Grace Multiplied! Yes! May you continue to guide us in the right direction oh Lord. We love you and trust you always!
Thank you Impact for impacting our family! God brought us here for a reason!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Impact family.
I am believing for it, expecting it and declaring that 2025 will be the year of breakthrough for all our families, and that
The Lord will breathe life into every impossible situations and I give him thanks for all that he has done and continue to do.
We welcome 2025 with great expectations knowing and declaring that RESTORATION in any area of our life and our loved ones will be fulfilled and complete in JESUS’s name!! (Yes & Amen)
Let’s conquer what belongs to us.
A fantastic teaching and prayer to begin 2025! Believing for the restoration of ALL that has been stolen from us and believing for the restoration and reconciliation of souls to Jesus! This year will be an unprecedented year of the Lord’s favour and goodness for us, His church and His Bride! Let’s go, Impact Church (we, His people, are His Church). Let’s IMPACT and flood the Pond Mills community, the City of London and beyond with His goodness, His Good News, His love, His grace! Praise Jesus! Amen!!
God keeps His promises!
Happy New Year Impact!
Grace upon Grace! Restoration for 2025…Amen!
Hey, Impact Church!
God bless you all & Father, supernatural healing for Kevin in the name of Jesus! Happy New Year and stay shiny!
Thank you Jesus for your abundant Grace that invades every situation till we see it look like Heaven in Jesus name!
Happy New Year!
We welcome the new year and we welcome all the good works you have prepared for us in 2025! We thank you for what you’ve done in the past but we welcome all that you have before us!
Thanks be to God!
Happy New Year!!
Grace multipled!!
I’m receiving that word of Jubilee for 2025 over myself and all of us!!
May God restore all that was stollen from each of us!
Praying for an increase of love, unity, life, blessings, faith, and advancement, for all. Greatness is coming. Praise be to God!
Standing in agreement that 2025 is a year of Grace upon Grace. A year of Restoration a year of Healing. Praise be to God our Father. Amen
Standing in agreement and believing with great expectations that 2025 will be the year of breakthrough
Thank God that I am a prisoner of Hope. Grace and more grace AMEN