Entries by Karl Thomas

Day #6 – 10 Days Of Prayer

10 Days Of Prayer 2016 Day #6 — Release Your Faith Welcome to Day #6. Be a person of Faith in 2016. Be person who experiences the impossible by working you faith. Mark 11:22 “And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.” {KJV} or “The faith of God” “Have faith in God [constantly].” […]

Day #3 of 10 Days of Prayer

10 Days Of Prayer 2016 Day #3 — Worship On Purpose Welcome 10 Days of prayer. It’s Sunday morning. My Granddaughter is due to be born today. Karly is doing such a great job. Bless them all Lord Jesus. Have a special day ahead of us at IMPACT Church. We have a special guest Samuel […]

Day #2 – 10 Days Of Prayer 2016

10 Days Of Prayer 2016 Day #2 — Pray For Leaders Welcome to our second day of 10 Days of Prayer. We should always pray for those in authority. Proverbs 21:1 “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.” Quite an image. […]

Day #1 10 Days Of Prayer

10 Days Of Prayer 2016 Day #1 — The Light Of Life Is Pressing IN! Welcome to our first day of 10 Days of Prayer. I’m a very positive person. I always see the blue sky, even on a cloudy day. Well I believe this is going to be a year of extraordinary increase. SURPRISE!!! […]

#226 Light of the World# 3, Candle Light Service

#226 Light Of The World Series# 3 — Candlelight Service 2015 By: Pastor Karl Thomas When Light comes in contact with darkness … Light wins!!! Austrian psychologist Carl Jung “Those psychiatrists who are not superficial have come to the conclusion that the vast neurotic misery of the world could be termed a neurosis of emptiness. […]

#225 Light of the World Series# 2

#225 Light Of The World Series# 2 By: Pastor Karl Thomas Luke 1 5 In the days of Herod, king of Judea, there was a priest named Zechariah,[a] of the division of Abijah. And he had a wife from the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth. 6 And they were both righteous before God, walking […]

#224 Light of the World Series# 1, Light

Little Black Submarines By: Pastor Cheryl Thomas Song   In my humble estimation the song is about depression little black submarines dark thoughts that bomb you and drag you under into a sea of depression. pick you up /let you down I wanna go to a place and hide, I had plans, dreams visions but […]