Entries by Karl Thomas

#232 UBER Series# 4, Supercharge Your Finances

UBER Series#4 — Supercharge Your Finances By: Pastor Karl Thomas Definition UBER:— being a superlative example of its kind or class : uber _______ to an extreme or excessive degree : uber _______ Supercharge    Greek Equivalent (sphódra) vehemently, in a high degree, exceeding(-ly), greatly. When Jesus broke the rules, upset the applecart, challenged the status […]

#231 UBER Series# 3, The Anatomy Of An Apostolic Invasion

UBER Series# 3, The Anatomy Of An Apostolic Invasion By: Pastor Karl Thomas Definition UBER:— being a superlative example of its kind or class : uber _______ to an extreme or excessive degree : uber _______  Supercharge
Greek Equivalent (sphódra) vehemently, in a high degree, exceeding(-ly), greatly. Jesus didn’t come to introduce a new religion, He […]

#230 UBER Series# 2, Upsetting the Applecart

UBER Series# 2, Upsetting the Applecart By: Pastor Cheryl Thomas uber _______
to an extreme or excessive degree : uber _______
  Greek Equivalent (sphódra) vehemently, in a high degree, exceeding(-ly), greatly. Uber – the superlative – the highest example of its kind or class. I love this definiton I hope Pastor Karl speaks to that next […]

#229 UBER Series# 1, Zeal

UBER – Sermon Series# 1, Zeal – D Karl Thomas Uber … Shared Network economy    Uber App     Uber Rush      AIR BNB Uber valued in late 2015 at 61.5 Billion.
Uber also crossed the $50 billion mark in five years, a feat Facebook took seven years to accomplish. Definition UBER:— being a superlative example of its kind […]

Day #10 – 10 Days Of Prayer

Day # 10 — 10 Days Of Prayer Welcome to day 10. Good job everyone. Just want to share a couple of the thing from Terry and Deborah: “…it was a picture of us at Impact Church getting together in our ten days of prayer.  As each person prayed they joined the others in prayer.  […]

Day #9 – 10 Days Of Prayer

Day #9 Of 10 Days Of Prayer – The Light Of Life Welcome to the 9th day of our prayer time. Thanks for joining us. Do you have goals this year? Has the Lord put a vision of a preferred future in your heart? The Wise Men in the Christmas story showed up after Jesus […]

Day #8 – 10 Days Of Prayer

Welcome to day 8 of “10 Days Of Prayer.” Today we want learn about how to wage war with the Prophetic Word. Pray the prayers that God wants you to pray. The prayers that find their source in Him. These prayer will alway get supernatural results When Jesus taught the disciples to pray he said: […]

Day 7 – 10 Days Of Prayer

Paul had a passion for the lost.
 Romans 9:1-4 “For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, those of my own race, the people of Israel.” 1 Corithians 9:19,22 “For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant […]