Entries by Karl Thomas

#301 Mrs. Z’s Request

#301 Mrs. Z’s Request By: Pastor Karl Thomas Romans 16:13 “Greet Rufus, whom the Lord picked out to be his very own; and also his dear mother, who has been a mother to me.”     A first grade teacher asked her students, “What do you do to help at home?” One little girl said, “I […]

#300 The Mystery of God’s Will

#300 The Mystery of God’s Will By Guest Speaker: Zach Sloane The Mystery of Gods will answers the Big Questions: 1) What’s my purpose 2) Whats the heart of God behind that purpose 3) How do I achieve it – live the good life Mystery = the unknown ? The unknown can cause all sorts […]

#299 FACES Series# 5, Thomas

#299 FACES Series# 5, Thomas By: D Karl Thomas https://youtu.be/hV3ptU4h1ns  Things I Doubt: 1. Elvis is alive in Hawaii.    2. Any M. Moore Documentary. 3. Anything a politician says after the words; “To be clear…”  4. Dog food label that says; “New and improved taste.”  5. Leafs win cup in my lifetime.  John 20:24-31 24 Now Thomas, […]

#298 FACES Series# 4, Hot Pursuit

#298 FACES Series# 4, Hot Pursuit By: Pastor Cheryl Thomas Don’t worry I wont use any illustrations from smokey and the bandit or the dukes of hazzard  Not so flattering example of Hot Pursuit–Road Rage— Chante/ Dad on the 404  Karl—Dori & John/ Pinegrove restaurant/call every Thursday night on Party line/come to Peterborough every Friday […]

#297 FACES Series# 3, Mary M.

#297 FACES Series# 3, Mary M. By: Pastor D. Karl Thomas TRUE STORY A tax accountant talked about a guy who wanted to declare the loss of his Lincoln Navigator SUV on his tax return. The accountant told the man that insurance usually takes care of things like that and wondered what happened. Here is […]

#296 FACES Series# 2, Jesus

#296 FACES Series# 2, Jesus By: Pastor D. Karl Thomas Colossians 2:13-15 When you were stuck in your old sin-dead life, you were incapable of responding to God. God brought you alive—right along with Christ! Think of it! All sins forgiven, the slate wiped clean, that old arrest warrant canceled and nailed to Christ’s cross. […]

#295 FACES Series# 1, Peter

#295 FACES Series# 1, Peter By: Pastor D. Karl Thomas Luke 22:31-32 “And the Lord said, “Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.” Mark 14:66-72 […]

#294 Impact Verbs We Value Series# 6, SERVE

294 Impact Verbs We Value Series# 6, SERVE By: Pastor D. Karl Thomas PICTURE JAMAICA “Transforming lives to IMPACT their world.”   Impact Verbs We Value FOLLOW  —  DISCOVER  — CONNECT  —  INVITE   Once you have encountered Jesus you want to invite others. John 1:41-42  “Andrew went to find his brother, Simon, and told him, “We […]

#293 Impact Verbs We Value Series# 5, GIVE

#293 Impact Verbs We Value Series# 5, GIVE By: Pastor Cheryl Thomas Born to Give Impact Values Series- Number 5 of our 6 Verbs Give A Pastor said if you give a 1000 dollars today you can pick out the hymns … little old lady said I’ll take you up on that preacher … she […]