Entries by Karl Thomas

#311 Colossians Series# 4, The Ministry Of Christ In You

#311 Colossians Series# 4, The Ministry Of Christ In You By: Pastor Karl Thomas In a place where religious pluralism and syncretism is encouraged … (Truth being diluted for the sake of unity)… Paul asserts the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ. Jesus is Lord! Therefore He is fully able qualify us as saints. Primarily written […]

#309 Colossians Series# 2, He Has Qualified Us

#309 Colossians Series# 2, He Has Qualified Us By: Pastor D. Karl Thomas In a place where religious pluralism and syncretism is encouraged … (Truth being diluted for the sake of unity)… Paul asserts the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ. Jesus is Lord! Therefore He is fully able qualify us as saints. Primarily written to […]

#307 In London For London Series# 4, London Needs You!

#307 In London For London Series# 4, London Needs You! By: Pastor D. Karl Thomas “Transforming lives to IMPACT their world.”        HERE    THERE Confront the Jonah attitude God loves this City! Godʼs priority is lost people We are in London For London … Its peace is our peace We are first responders We stand between […]

#306 In London For London Series# 3, First Responders

#306 In London For London Series# 3, First Responders By: Pastor D. Karl Thomas Happy Father’s Day “Transforming lives to IMPACT their world.” Here There IN LONDON FOR LONDON Luke 15:1-3 “Tax collectors and other notorious sinners often came to listen to Jesus teach. This made the Pharisees and teachers of religious law complain that […]

#305 In London For London Series# 2, For The City

#305 In London For London Series# 2, For The City By: Pastor Karl Thomas https://youtu.be/hOd0SW6IVaQ  “Transforming lives to IMPACT their world.”     HERE  —  THERE  IN LONDON FOR LONDON   Jonah 3:10-4:11 “… But Nineveh has more than 120,000 people living in spiritual darkness, not to mention all the animals. Shouldnʼt I feel sorry for […]

#304 In London For London Series# 1, This Great City

#304 In London For London Series# 1, This Great City By: Pastor D. Karl Thomas “Transforming lives to IMPACT their world.” Acts 1:6-11  “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends […]

#303 Holy Spirit

#303 Holy Spirit By: D. Karl Thomas All 4 Gospels record the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. All 4 Gospels also record the baptism in the holy spirit. When God repeats Himself 4 times He wants you to pay attention. Matthew 3:11  “I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who […]