Entries by Karl Thomas

#384 The Jesus Trip Begins

#384 The Jesus Trip Begins By: D. Karl Thomas (See download links at the bottom of the page for the Sermon Notes & PowerPoint Slides)   A Year Of Living Biblically A.J. Jacob, (a Jewish agnostic.)  Sept 9, 2008  Simon & Schuster  The Bible was not given to man so that he could fix his story. The […]

#383 Christmas Playlist Series# 3, Mary’s Song

#383 Christmas Playlist Series# 3, Mary’s Song (Luke 1:46-55) By: Zach Sloane Candlelight Service (See download links at the bottom of the page for the Sermon Notes & PowerPoint Slides)  Re-cap   Zecheriah’s Song: God’s light would invade the darkness.  Angel’s Song – God knows you, sees you, and to you and to the whole world, He […]

#382 Christmas Playlist Series# 2, Angels

#382 Christmas Playlist Series# 2, Angels Song Peace On Earth By: D. Karl Thomas (See download links at the bottom of the page for the Sermon Notes & PowerPoint Slides) Zechariah’s Song “…the sunrise shall visit us from on high to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide […]

#381 Christmas Playlist Series# 1, Zechariah

#381 Christmas Playlist Series# 1, Zechariah’s Song of Hope By: D. Karl Thomas (See download links at the bottom of the page for the Sermon & PowerPoint) “Billie Jean” might be one of Michael Jackson’s most beloved songs, but the story behind it is terrifying. According to legend, Jackson had been receiving letters from a woman […]

#380 Advantage Series# 4, The Anointing

#380 Advantage Series# 4, The Anointing By: Zach Sloane (See download links at the bottom of the page for the Sermon & PowerPoint) RECAP John 16:7 NKJV “Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; […]

#379 Advantage Series# 3, Gifts of the Spirit

#379 Advantage Series# 3, Gifts of the Spirit By: Zach Sloane (See download links at the bottom of the page for the Sermon, PowerPoint & Group Discussion Questions) John 16:7 NKJV “Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come […]

#376 But Wait There’s More Series# 6: Bear Much Fruit

#376 But Wait There’s More Series# 6: Bear Much Fruit By: D. Karl Thomas (See download links at the bottom of the page for the Sermon, PowerPoint & Group Discussion Questions) John 10:10“I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” Romans 8:32 (AMP) “He who did not withhold or spare […]