Entries by Karl Thomas

#435 The Jesus Trip, Behave Yourself

#435 The Jesus Trip, Behave Yourself By: D. Karl Thomas (Sermon notes & PowerPoint links at the bottom of the page) John 1:12-14, 17-18 “But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn—not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but […]

#434 The Jesus Trip, Ephesians: A Book on Purpose

#434 The Jesus Trip, Ephesians: A Book on Purpose By: Zach Sloane (Sermon notes & PowerPoint links are at the bottom of the page) Recap:  The Gospel Paul received from Jesus, both the revelation and its application in our lives, brilliantly weaves together how our broken identities and fallen living is healed, hearts are mended, […]

#433 The Jesus Trip, I Am One With Jesus

The Jesus Trip, I Am One With Jesus By: D. Karl Thomas (Sermon notes & PowerPoint Slide links at the bottom of the page)  Romans 6:17 “…yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered.” “standard of teaching” (AMP)  “Pattern of teaching” (NIV) “Paul’s system of truth.”  (Weymouth)  Romans […]

#432 The Jesus Trip, Paul’s System of Truth

#432 The Jesus Trip, Paul’s System Of Truth By: D. Karl Thomas (Sermon notes, PowerPoint Slides & Group Discussion Question links at the bottom of the page)  Romans 6:17 “…yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered.” “standard of teaching” (AMP)    “Pattern of teaching” (NIV)   “Paul’s system of […]

#431 The Jesus Trip, Clash of Civilizations

#431 The Jesus Trip, Clash of Civilizations By: Cheryl Thomas (Sermon notes, Image & Group Discussion Questions at the bottom of the page) Last week we were in the book of Acts and Zach talked about Pentecost I love the  book of Acts as it is the only document from the earliest Christian period to […]

#430 The Jesus Trip, Pentecost and You!

#430 The Jesus Trip, Pentecost and You! By: Zach Sloane (Sermon notes, PowerPoint & Group Discussion Question links at the bottom of the page)  Re-cap: Easter in Nov. Not a cat-scan of cross, practical applications of Jesus’ approach to the cross and what that means for us. This sets us up to help us understand […]

#429 The Jesus Trip, Good Times, Bad Times

#429 The Jesus Trip, Good Times, Bad Times By: D. Karl Thomas (Sermon notes, PowerPoint Slides & Group Discussion Questions at the bottom of the page)  Gospels: Jesus like photo graph. Matthew 9:35 “Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages,…”  Pauls Letters: CT Scan inner workings of the Gospel of Grace   2 Corinthians […]

#428 The Jesus Trip, By The Way….One Last Thing

#428 The Jesus Trip, By The Way…..One Last Thing By: Zach Sloane Click on the link below to watch the Sermon Video: http://www.truthcasting.com/player.aspx#showSermon=196042 (Sermon notes, PowerPoint Slides & Group Discussion Questions at the bottom of the page) Jesus wants to have one last dinner and share his heart with his disciples. Just spent days being […]

#427 The Jesus Trip, Something To Think About

The Jesus Trip, Something To Think About By: D. Karl Thomas (Sermon notes, PowerPoint and Group Discussion Questions at the bottom of the page) Click on the link below to watch this week’s message: http://www.truthcasting.com/player.aspx#showSermon=195895  Mark 1:14-15  (NKJV) “Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom […]

#426 The Jesus Trip, Stories Are Great

#426 The Jesus Trip, Stories Are Great By: D. Karl Thomas (Links, Sermon notes, PowerPoint Slides and Group Discussion Questions at the bottom of the page) Mark 3:34  “In fact, in his public ministry he never taught without using parables; but afterward, when he was alone with his disciples, he explained everything to them.”  Parable:— […]