Entries by Karl Thomas

EPIC Week# 2 for Impact Kid’s

EPIC Week# 2 for Impact Kid’s With Impact Leader and Workers It’s okay to feel sad, afraid, or angry sometimes.  But like this song says, no matter how we feel right now, we can trust God!  Enjoy this worship song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbNOFUi_Mso&feature=youtu.be If you want a song you can dance to, here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNUuvyiWOIk Here are some […]

#461 Communion Sunday, Following Jesus

#461 Communion Sunday, Following Jesus With Pastors & Speakers If you read the Gospels (History Books) about Jesus life. You can only come to one conclusion. Jesus is highly relational. Tell you about your FATHER in HEAVEN … relational based stories  Following Jesus:  John 4 “But He needed to go through Samaria. So He came […]

EPIC Week# 1 for Impact Kid’s

EPIC Week# 1 for Impact Kid’s With Impact Leader and Worker’s Enjoy some worship with your child: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJP4NjJ0fy4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_tS-g6z7l0&feature=youtu.be Here are some discussion starters for your school age or preteen child: Here are some activities for your toddler or preschool child: My Tabernacle Printable: Colouring Sheet:

GO Week# 5 for Impact Kid’s

Go Week# 5 for Impact Kid’s With Impact Leader & Workers Enjoy this worship song with your children: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IijsESdEnZg Today our Bible story was based on Acts 12:1-17.  Read it with your child in your favourite version and enjoy this cartoon afterwards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzM9aFqkw6s If you have a printer at home, enjoy this colouring sheet that matches the […]

#459 Ghost Stories Series# 5, Gracious Ghost

Ghost Stories Series# 5 Gracious Ghost With: D. Karl & Cheryl Thomas “Sense knowledge has gained supremacy over Christianity and dominates it. Civilization has failed because the type of Christianity we have given it has failed. It was a sense-ruled type that was stripped of miracles.”   E. W. Kenyon 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 Now concerning spiritual […]

GO Week# 4 for Impact Kid’s

GO Week# 4 for Impact Kid’s With Impact Kid’s Leader & Workers For your school age or preteen children, you can discuss the lesson further at home: Create a Superhero! CreateASuperhero_GO_Elementary_Growkids For those of you with a printer at home, here is a colouring sheet for this week: _ColoringPage4_GO_GrowKids Enjoy “Jesus What a Friend” by […]

GO Week# 3 for Impact Kid’s

GO Week# 3 for Impact Kid’s With: Impact Kid’s Leader & Workers The Bible Story was taken from Ephesians 6:10-18.  Read it in your favourite version with your child. This is a cute video that you could watch together after: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeeALPa8oxM Here are some discussion questions for your school-age or preteen child about the lesson […]