Entries by Karl Thomas

Bootcamp Series #13 Destiny

  Sermon: Bootcamp Sermon Series: Destiny Sunday Jan. 30th, 2022 Impact Church London Recap: On a journey of preparing to possess the promise, fundamentally looking to answer this question, “Are there things we can do now to prepare for the future?” (We have a future and a hope!)  Intro: Near the end of book of […]

Bootcamp Series #12 “Deliver”

  Series: “Preparing To Posses The Promises”  Sermon #12 “Deliver” Are there things we can do NOW to prepare for what’s NEXT. You don’t achieve victory you receive victory. HIS REST:— I enter into the finished work of the cross. All the promises are YES in Christ and we say AMEN!!! 2 Corinthians 1:20 (NLT)  […]

Bootcamp Series # 11 “Debacle”

Series: “Preparing To Posses The Promises”  Sermon #11 “Debacle” Are there things we can do NOW to prepare for what’s NEXT. Hebrews 11:30 “By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the people had marched around them for seven days”     Prayer is receiving the victory.  Worship is celebrating the victory! Matthew 4:4  (Message) […]

Bootcamp Series #10 “Debut”

Series: “Preparing To Posses The Promises” Sermon #9 “Debut” Are there things we can do NOW to prepare for what’s NEXT. Debut:— First expression of our promise taking FAITH!!! PICTURE OF JERICHO: Jericho the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world. The retaining wall was some 12–15 ft high. Then a mud brick wall 6 […]

Bootcamp Series #9 “Descry”

Series: “Preparing To Posses The Promises”  Sermon #9 “Descry” Are there things we can do NOW to prepare for what’s NEXT. Descry: to see by looking carefully, to discern Joshua 5:13-15 “Are You for us or for our adversaries?” So He said, “No, but as Commander of the army of the Lord I have now […]

Bootcamp Series #8 “Distinguish”

Series: “Preparing To Posses The Promises”  Sermon #8 “Distinguish” Are there things we can do  NOW  to prepare for what’s NEXT. Joshua 5:10  “Now the children of Israel camped in Gilgal, and kept the Passover.” Two Sacraments:  Circumcision — Baptism  Passover — Communion Colossians 2:11-12 “…by the circumcision of Christ, buried with Him in baptism…” […]

Bootcamp Series #7 “Discern”

  Sermon: Bootcamp – Preparing to Possess the Promise: “Discern” Nov. 28, 2021, Impact Church London Recap: Declare — In Jesus God has taken us across the river. Jesus has stepped down into our impassible, impossible Jordan of death, poverty, sickness, and curse. He has pushed back the currents of these forces and we are […]