Level Up Week# 1 for Impact Kid’s

Level Up Week# 1 for Impact Kid’s
By: Impact Kid’s Leaders & Workers

The Big Idea: Jesus Trusted God
We are going to be reading and learning together about a very important moment when Jesus was being asked to do something really hard.  Jesus was with friends, called the disciples.  They walked to a place called Gethsemane to rest for the night.  Read what happened next.
Bible Story: Matthew 26:36-46

Worship Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvLH6dOFHBo

There is a slide with a couple of activities for toddlers.

The colouring sheet is attached.

Colouring Page, Level Up GrowKids, PDF

Our memory verse of the month in sign language is also attached.

MemoryVerse, Level Up, Growkids, PDF

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