#399 The Jesus Trip, You Can Hear His Voice

#399 The Jesus Trip, You Can Hear His Voice
By: D. Karl Thomas

(See download links at the bottom of the page for the Sermon Notes, PowerPoint Slides & Group Discussion Questions) 

When God is ready to do something in the earth he begins with a person: Looking for partners now 

Important Names Of The Characters:
Elkanah – God has created, redeemed.
Peninah – irritation, provoker.
Hannah – Grace, to be favoured.
Eli – Ascension, to exalt
Hophni – cantankerous, fist fight.
Phinehas – mouth of a serpent.
The old fleshy system always wars with the new move of God.

1 Samuel 1:1-20
“There was a man named Elkanah who lived in Ramah in the region of Zuph[a] in the hill country of Ephraim. He was the son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, of Ephraim. 2 Elkanah had two wives, Hannah and Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah did not. 3 Each year Elkanah would travel to Shiloh to worship and sacrifice to the Lord of Heaven’s Armies at the Tabernacle. The priests of the Lord at that time were the two sons of Eli—Hophni and Phinehas. 4 On the days Elkanah presented his sacrifice, he would give portions of the meat to Peninnah and each of her children. 5 And though he loved Hannah, he would give her only one choice portion[b] because the Lord had given her no children. 6 So Peninnah would taunt Hannah and make fun of her because the Lord had kept her from having children. 7 Year after year it was the same—Peninnah would taunt Hannah as they went to the Tabernacle.[c] Each time, Hannah would be reduced to tears and would not even eat. 8 “Why are you crying, Hannah?” Elkanah would ask. “Why aren’t you eating? Why be downhearted just because you have no children? You have me—isn’t that better than having ten sons?” 9 Once after a sacrificial meal at Shiloh, Hannah got up and went to pray. Eli the priest was sitting at his customary place beside the entrance of the Tabernacle.[d] 10 Hannah was in deep anguish, crying bitterly as she prayed to the Lord. 11 And she made this vow: “O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, if you will look upon my sorrow and answer my prayer and give me a son, then I will give him back to you. He will be yours for his entire lifetime, and as a sign that he has been dedicated to the Lord, his hair will never be cut.[e]” 12 As she was praying to the Lord, Eli watched her. 13 Seeing her lips moving but hearing no sound, he thought she had been drinking. 14 “Must you come here drunk?” he demanded. “Throw away your wine!” 15 “Oh no, sir!” she replied. “I haven’t been drinking wine or anything stronger. But I am very discouraged, and I was pouring out my heart to the Lord. 16 Don’t think I am a wicked woman! For I have been praying out of great anguish and sorrow.” 17 “In that case,” Eli said, “go in peace! May the God of Israel grant the request you have asked of him.” 18 “Oh, thank you, sir!” she exclaimed. Then she went back and began to eat again, and she was no longer sad. 19 The entire family got up early the next morning and went to worship the Lord once more. Then they returned home to Ramah. When Elkanah slept with Hannah, the Lord remembered her plea, 20 and in due time she gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, (Compound word God and hears) for she said, “I asked the Lord for him.” 

1 Samuel 3:1, 10“Now the boy Samuel ministered to the Lord before Eli. And the word of the Lord was rare in those days; there was no widespread revelation … Lord came and stood and called as at other times, ‘Samuel! Samuel!’ And Samuel answered, ‘Speak, for Your servant hears.’” 

1 Samuel 3:19-21“So Samuel, grew and the Lord was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground … Samuel had been established as a prophet of the Lord … For the Lord revealed Himself  to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the Lord.” 

Jeremiah 15:1“Then said the LORD unto me, Though Moses and Samuel stood before me, yet my mind could not be toward this people: cast them out of my sight, and let them go forth.”  Why is Samuel mention in this prophecy? 

Luke 7:28“For I say to you, among those born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.” 

Acts 2:18-19 “I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: And I will show 

Isaiah 48:6-7“…I show you specified new things from this time forth, even hidden things [kept in reserve] which you have not known. They are created now[called into being by the prophetic word], and not long ago; and before today you have never heard of them, lest you should say, Behold, I knew them!”      

Mark 4:24 “And He said to them, Be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you–and more [besides] will be given to you who hear.” 

Ephesians 5:15-17 (NIV) “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, butunderstand what the Lord’s will is.” 

4 Basic Forms of Revelation
1. General Revelation – Nature
2. Specific Revelation – Jesus
3. Biblical Revelation – Holy Spirit illuminating Word
4. Direct Revelation – H. S.

7 Basic Leadings Of The Spirit
Inward Witness – Rom 8:16       Inward Voice – Rom 9:1       Spirit’s Voice – Acts 10:19
Knowings – Luke 1:1-4      Visions Dreams – Acts 2:17, 16:9     The Word – Ps 119:11, 105
Prophecy – Acts 21:10-14

Hearing God’s Voice Is
1. It’s InnateYou were created to hear His voice.  A shepherd speaks and His sheep follow.

John 10:1-5, 16, 27“.the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name … And other sheep I have which are not of this fold;  and they will hear My voice; … My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” 

John 8:47  “Anyone who belongs to God listens gladly to the words of God. But you don’t listen because you don’t belong to God.”     You are tuned to the frequency of heaven.

2. It’s Learned Children have to learn the language. Use your words.
I can swing a golf club but I can learn to do it better from a PRO.  You are in relationship so that you can learn.

3. It’s Matured Children have to learn to communicate. Your revelation of your union with God must mature. You are a full grown son.   Sons :– (huios) hweeous Mature sons   Don’t get more qualified but more quality of REV

4. Hearing Is AttackedMark 4:3-9, 13-20“When they hear, Satan comes immediately and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts.” a. Damaged– Accused b. Divided– Double minded     c. Distracted– Earthbound

5. It’s A Lifestyle Proverbs 3:6 MESSAGE “Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.”
Proverbs 8:34“Blessed is the man who listens to me, Watching daily at my gates, Waiting at the posts of my doors.” 

3 Stages Of Hearing:
1. I’m A Child Of God Galatians 3:26“For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.”
Romans 8:14“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.”

2. I’m A Friend Of GodExodus 33:11“So the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.”
John 15:14-15“…I have called you friends, for all … I heard from My Father I have made known to you.”

3. I’m A Prophet Of God Numbers 11:29“Oh, that all the Lord’s people were prophets … Lord would put His Spirit upon them!”    1 Corinthians 14:31“For you can all prophesy…” 

Prophecy creates in the heart of the church a hunger for the voice of God.
1 Corinthians 14:1“Let love be your highest goal! But you should also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives—especially the ability to prophesy.” (NLT) 

Seven Tests Of Prophecy:
Test the spirit. Where is it from?
Test the content. Is it biblical?
Test the purpose. Glorify God?
Test the vehicle. Is there fruit?
Test the atmosphere. Liberty?
Test the direction. Where lead?
Test the accuracy. Do happen? 

“Prophecy is important in the life of the Church, because prophecy is the most edifying gift for a congregation. The other eight gifts are focused “rifle” gifts, which normally bless one specific person or perhaps a few; prophecy is a “shotgun” gift that can bless hundreds of people at once.”   Dr. Bill Hamon 

“So we can judge these things. If prophecy produces bondage, it isn’t right. The word says, “…where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” (2 Cor. 3:17) Some people stop right there and take the wrong liberty.” Kenneth E. Hagin  

“Practicing the gifts should take place in an atmosphere of love and a culture of spiritual authority. Without being in submission to true spiritual authority, we are like contractors who build a skyscraper without a foundation. The first time the wind blows, it will fall to the ground.”Kris Vallotton 

Acts 13:1-3 “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul … fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them,… sent them…”
Three Parts Of An Encounter:
1. Revelation     2. Interpretation       3. Application 

1 Corinthians 2:12   “And we have received God’s Spirit (not the world’s spirit), so we can knowthe wonderful things God has freely given us.” 

Did you receive the Spirit???

399 The Jesus Trip, You Can Hear God’s Voice, Sermon notes to print, PDF

399 The Jesus Trip, You Can Hear God’s Voice, PowerPoint Slides, PDF

The Jesus Trip, You Can Hear His Voice, Group Discussion Questions – Week #2, PDF

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