Health Hacks, Day 13 of 21 Days

Health Hacks, Day 13 of 21 Days
By: Zach Sloane

Overcoming the Negative Effects of Guilt

Did you now that guilt is not just a bad idea, but it is actually a toxic emotion that can hurt you? 

High levels of guilt and shame, experienced as real emotions release high levels of cortisol, a stress hormone in your body that if your body has too much exposure to it can lead to anxiety disorders high blood pressure, heart disease and even diabetes. Think about that: living with guilt can lead to diabetes.[1]

It can also lead to gastrointestinal issues, headaches, backaches, and an overall negative impact on your immune system.[2]

Our bodies and brains were not designed to function under the crushing weight of guilt nor to sustain the effect of the silly and detrimental ways we sometimes go about numbing guilt – from religion to addictions.

There is no pill, no psychological process, or anything any doctor can do to relieve you of guilt and its crushing negative health effects.

But thankfully, what medicine, pills, doctors and psychologists can’t do, God can. God has provided an answer not only for all of our guilt but also for all the vain and sometimes destructive ways that we try to numb its influence.

Hebrews 9:14 says that nothing but the blood of Christ can purify our conscience from dead works. There are no more sacrifices to be made… there is nothing to do…you can let go of your guilt, of any attempt to alleviate it, and you can receive God’s forgiveness. The cross of Jesus shows a God who loves and forgives, and you can receive that right now. The blood of Jesus speaks a word of forgiveness, acceptance, righteousness over you so deeply and so loudly that it can cleanse your very conscience from guilt and all dead world associated with it. So be free today. Don’t embrace sickness and ill health as you getting what you deserve.  Hear the better word the blood speaks and receive His life given to you – not that sickness that takes from you.

 [1]Mehmet Oz MD, “Cut the Guilt, Extend Your Life.” Accessed June 5, 2018.

 [2]“Is Guilt Getting the Best of You” WebMD.
Mehmet Oz MD, “Cut the Guilt, Extend Your Life.” Accessed June 5, 2018.

 [1]“Is Guilt Getting the Best of You” WebMD.

5 replies
  1. D Karls Thomas
    D Karls Thomas says:

    “I hear the accuser roar the ills that I have done. I know them well and a thousand more but Jehovah findeth none. He findeth none because I am washed in the blood of His Son”

    Sunday School song that stuck in my spirit and helped me cast down guilt and shame. I am forgiven, Healed and free! More and more faith is working in LOVE!

  2. Sandra
    Sandra says:

    Good word Zach , so many Christians are living in this guilt and shame and are being tormented in past memories , but praise God they can be free! God sent his word that we may be healed….Take it by faith and receive it and start praising Jesus you have the mind of Christ!!

  3. Sheila Willer
    Sheila Willer says:

    Jesus’ final message, was on the cross. Jesus cried out Father forgive them, as they know not what they do.
    In this free exchange the blameless one took on my guilt. His innocence became mine. Yep! every accusation that is
    presented against me is forgiven, forever,exchanged with eternal innocence Not just free today but forever. I am set free, free from shame, free from guilt. So, Nope, you can’t have mine, but you can receive your own.
    Amen, forgiveness, innocence, restoration.
    Excellent, Zach.


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