Day #3 of 10 Days of Prayer

10 Days Of Prayer 2016
Day #3 — Worship On Purpose

Welcome 10 Days of prayer. It’s Sunday morning. My Granddaughter is due to be born today. Karly is doing such a great job. Bless them all Lord Jesus. Have a special day ahead of us at IMPACT Church. We have a special guest Samuel Robinson. Going to be Good!!!

Worship is a big deal. Become a serious worshipper in 2016. God is looking for worshippers. Worshippers experience a whole other level of the blessings of God.

I am looking forward to getting to the house of the Lord!

Psalm 122:1 “I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord.’”

Hebrews 10:25 “And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.”

Psalm 118:24 “This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.”

Worship Has Benefits!!!
When we SURROUND OURSELVES with praise that glorifies God we are actively putting ourselves into the very presence of God. And God literally lifts us up and changes US, OTHERS and OUR CIRCUMSTANCES.

Article by Dr. Caroline Leaf
“Corporate worship has been shown to have health benefits. Regular church attendance is associated with a 30-35% reduction in the likelihood of death and a reduction in the probability of stroke.
In a major longitudinal study, those who do not attend church regularly have higher rates of death from circulatory, digestive and respiratory disorders … as people sing together in worship to God, as well as the beneficial effects of the heart, their heartbeats actually synchronize.”

University of Miami study on the progress of AIDS Dr. Gail Ironson found that:
“Turning to God rather than rejecting God appears to boost your immune system and stave off the disease nearly five times as effectively,…”

Changes You

Physically … heal your body. Mentally … make you smart. Emotionally … shift attitude
Worship can rearrange your whole inner world. God did that.
Proverbs 17:22 “A happy heart is good medicine and a joyful mind causes healing,…”

Changes Others
Colossians 3:16 “…teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing…” Your song impacts others!!!

Changes Circumstances
Acts 16:25-26 “…midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God,… prisoners were listening … Suddenly there was a great earthquake … immediately doors were opened… everyone’s chains were loosed.”

That is some good stuff right there.


Pray in tongues for fifteen minutes.

Welcome Holy Soirit to do every good thing He desires in the service today.

Pray for all those who will serve in the house today. Especially those who serve in Kids Church!

Pray for a fresh revelation of worship to invade every believers life. Command those benefits to come forth.

He is enthroned on the praises of His people. Come prepared to build His throne.

We have a city wide prayer meeting tonight. Pray for the city to engage in prayer. We are believing for a breakthrough of unprecedented blessing on the City Of London this year. London City Of God

Thanks for partnering with us in the New Year prayer time. many Blessings!

6 replies
  1. Geoff
    Geoff says:

    How many times I’ve driven by a church and the sign by the road will say, “Woship – Sunday 10:30am”, or something to that effect. It’s as if to say that worship is a time when we come to a church service, while that is not entirely inaccurate, it is most definitely incomplete. Worship is not something we should do once or twice a week for 15 minutes to an hour tops Worship is an expression of our adoration and love of God, of appreciation of the price He paid through His Son Jesus that allows us to come into fellowship with Him and call HIm Abba, Father, Daddy. It isn’t something we should “attend”, it is something we should engage in, interact with and and express a manifestation of our love for Him, not just once or twice a week, but daily we should express a lifestyle of worship.

    Daily He loads me up with benefits and one of those benefits is a born-again Spirit that desires to worship and fellowship with my Daddy, the one who created me, who protects me, who sustains me, who loves me because He chose to love me, before the foundation of the world. The thing is, daily I have to choose to appreciate Him, to worship Him and to fellowship with Him. He is with me always, He will never leave me nor forsake me but I have choices to make, choices to worship Him, not because it is mandated by legalism, meaning I have to. Instead, because He paid the price for me I get to and more importantly I want to.

    For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. Col 3:3

    But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. John 4:23

    Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Ephesians 5:17-20

    Father, I pray for all those that attend Impact Church and for Christians all across our land, that we all get a greater revelation of your desire for fellowship with us, through our worship of You. Give us greater revelation that your love is all encompassing and your mercies are new every morning, that daily you load us up with benefits and while you inhabit the praises of Your people, You also dwell within us, never leaving nor forsaking us. Father, You have already created in us a new Spirit, teach us Lord to tap into what Holy Spirit has for us, teach us how to make melody in our hearts in adoration of You and how to draw even closer to You through our worship. Thank you Lord that You have given us the ability through Your anointing to be stirred up in You, to help us put off the old man and be renewed in the spirit of our mind and put on the new man, which is created after You in righteousness and true holiness. Thank You Lord for the anointing to worship, the mulitplication of the desire that You placed in us to worship and fellowship with You, not simply to cause our Sunday morning worship to rise to new heights but to cause us to worship You in the full expression of the Spirit at all times and in all circumstances. Let our worship of You, be so manifested that others will see it and by it, be drawn into fellowship with You. In Jesus Mighty Name!

  2. Pat Watt
    Pat Watt says:

    Every good and perfect gift comes from you Lord. May we come to know you and see you so much more intimately. May our hearts be so overwhelmed with gratitude and love that we would want to worship you with such total abandonment. Holy Spirit lift us up today in worship to our God as never before. Change us in this oh Lord!! Strengthen all leaders in every dept and let yourself be known to them and to those they minister to. As we gather together tonight to pray, create such an atmosphere of strength and unity and power that our City would never be the same again…. Amen.

  3. Dan
    Dan says:

    Thank-you Lord for our ability we have to agree and to connect with Your Kingdom; let it come. Your plans and purposes prevail. We welcome Holy Spirit to do every good thing in our church and city this year! We know that the thoughts that you have toward us are really really good.

    Thank-you for all those who serve your purposes in London, we lift up our leaders and their families – continued blessing and favor over London and those in authority in our city. We pray for a fresh revelation of worship to invade every believers life, that many will come to know your goodness and faithfulness this year. We command those benefits you have promised us in Your word to come forth.

    At our city wide prayer meeting tonight we pray for all in the city to engage in prayer & connect with Your Kingdom. We thank-you for breakthrough in London this year. London the City Of Light, the City of God. The people who know their God will do great exploits!

  4. Deborah and Terry Dewan
    Deborah and Terry Dewan says:

    We were at the service this morning and we both found it to be uplifting and exciting from the words offered from Elder Bill and Samuel. We thoroughly enjoyed Samuel and the praise. We are just squeaking in our comment at almost days end. We expect the conference in February to be absolutely amazing and have been praying off and on all day. Lord Jesus we pray for a fresh revelation of worship to invade every believers life. We command those benefits to come forth. Lord weecho Pastor Karl and Samuel’s words on how important tithing is. We thank you Lord that all of our praises and songs of worship rise up to you to honour you and exalt your name. .Bless our Impact Family .

  5. Karly
    Karly says:

    Thanks Lord for George who led worship on Sunday and had such an anointing!! Bless all the worship team members in this new year. May they feel invigorated and refreshed in their ministry to Impact Church. God I am so thankful that you gave us music and song so that we may worship you. It is so like God to ordain that something so enjoyable change us emotionally, physically, and mentally. I pray that the revelation of the impact of worship in a corporate setting and in our daily lives invade Impact people this year. May our worship experience become so powerful and so vibrant in 2016. I declare that Impact people will always have an amazing God perspective as they focus on praising and worshiping God throughout their lives. AMEN!!


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