Day 6 Of 10 Days Of Prayer Jan 2023

Day 6 of 10 Days Of Prayer January 2, 2023

We are going to get results as we pray!!!

The first thing we do is: Focus On The Lord — Magnify His Great Name!

The second thing we do is: Get A Proper Perspective Of Our Adversaries.

The third thing is: Lord grant us all BOLDNESS!

The fourth thing is: May Your Spoken Word Prevail

Introduce every challenge to His promises and your testimonies of His faithful execution of His Word.

“There is no panic in Heaven, only plans.” Plans for you. Plans for your prosperity. Plans for your hope and future. God works through opposition! His kingdom will come and what He wants to happen will happen, regardless of the enemy’s efforts to oppose Him. Many sons will come to Glory. There is going to be a large harvest!!!

Acts 19:20 “Thus the Word of the Lord grew and spread and intensified, prevailing mightily.”

2 Corinthians 5:20 (NLT) “We are Christ’s ambassadors, and God is using us to speak to you. We urge you, as though Christ himself were here pleading with you, “Be reconciled to God! 

The Word of God, the message of God, the glad tidings, the Word of His grace, was being shared by the believers. It was powerful and caused many to believe. It spread and intensified, prevailing mightily and filled whole regions.

The prayer that shakes the earth is a prayer that asked for boldness to proclaim the life changing message of the gracious glad tidings of a risen Saviour.

Today the fifth thing is: Stretch Out The Healing Hand

Acts 4:30 “… by stretching out Your hand to heal, …”

Now they knew Jesus was in heaven so what they were asking for was that God would use them, the body of Christ, to manifest His healing touch. Let our hands be your hand extended and continue healing this broken, sick world.

Clearly their prayer was answered  as we can see in the following verse: Acts 5:16 “Also a multitude gathered from the surrounding cities to Jerusalem, bringing sick people and those who were tormented by unclean spirits, and they were all healed.

We are fully equipped to heal the sick. We have everything necessary to be His hand extended.!

Acts 3:6-13 Peter and John ministered healing.

“But what I do have that I give to you.” vs. 6

What did Peter have that he was willing to give away?

1. Peter Had Revelation 

“By His wounds you have been healed.” 1 Peter 2:24 

We have God’s Word and The Spirit of Truth. We have revelation. Right doctrine on healing will make you bold.

2. Peter Had Authority. 

“Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases.” Luke 9:1

We have the same commission. Heal the sick! He wouldn’t tell us to do something we couldn’t do.

3. Peter Had The Anointing 

Acts 1:8 Dunamis:– POWER 

1John 2:20,27 {AMP} “…the anointing … which you received from Him abides [permanently] in you;…”

We have the same anointing. We have a legal right to operate in His power. SAME HOLY SPIRIT!

4. Peter Had The Name

Acts 3:6 “…in [the use of] the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk!”

Acts 8:12 “…he preached the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ,…”

Jesus will still back up the use of His name. All creation must respond to His NAME. Jesus Christ Is Lord!!!

5. Peter Had Active Faith 

Acts 3:4 “Look at us!”    Look (Blepo):– steady, expectant, attentive, and all absorbing stare.

We have to release our faith. Look at us! I have something to give you. I am a dispenser of heavenly favour. Be Healed!!! Be Free!!! Be Reconciled To God

“There is no panic in Heaven, only plans.” Plans for you. Plans for your prosperity. Plans for your hope and future. God works through opposition! His kingdom will come and what He wants to happen will happen, regardless of the enemy’s efforts to oppose Him. Many sons will come to Glory. There is going to be a large harvest!!! He is going to stretch Himself out to cover a broken and despair … THROUGH YOU!!!!

Okay Let’s Pray!!!

18 replies
  1. Karl Thomas
    Karl Thomas says:

    The same act that forgives sin releases divine healing. Psalm 103:2-3 “Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases.” Mark 2:9-10 “Is it easier to say to the paralyzed man ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or ‘Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk’? 10 So I will prove to you that the Son of Man[a] has the authority on earth to forgive sins.” Then Jesus turned to the paralyzed man and said, 11 “Stand up, pick up your mat, and go home!” Jesus taught that forgiveness of sin and healing are linked in the atonement, the finished work of the cross. We are completely at one with God. Thank you Jesus for the cross. May we boldly go forward and preach the full gospel. Your sins are forgiven and your bodies are healed and in health. May the body of Christ walk in a fresh working revelation of the ministry of healing. We want to testify that they brought all there sick from the surrounding cities and towns and they were ALL HEALED!!! In Jesus name.

  2. Kelly Michalczyk
    Kelly Michalczyk says:

    Stretch out Your hand to heal – headaches go in Jesus name, cancer leaves in Jesus name, chronic back pain is gone in Jesus name, joint pain is forever eased in the name of Jesus…. Mobility, strength, wholeness, wellness, thorough and complete health is our standard!

  3. Christine Learn
    Christine Learn says:

    PRAYER. You can’t live without. All we have to do is speak the name of Jesus. All you need is faith the size of a mustard seed. Jesus thank you we can come boldly to you in prayer and you will answer our prayer. Thank you pastors for another great word.

  4. Sarah Henry
    Sarah Henry says:

    Thank you Jesus that we are healed and made whole spirit, soul and body. We are redeemed, we are forgiven and we are loved! He’s the same God then as He is now. You were a healer then, you are a healer now. He never changes cause He’s the same God. I’m standing on your faithfulness.

    (Elevation Song – Same God)
    Go listen….It will bless you!

  5. Remi Legacy
    Remi Legacy says:

    In Jesus you are healed from all your sickness. Whoever is reading this, this morning and are having pain or feeling down, you are healed in Jesus name.

  6. Madeline
    Madeline says:

    Thank you Jesus that healing is the children’s bread. We declare records of London hospitals being emptied of patients because they are healed in Jesus name.

  7. Karen Elliott
    Karen Elliott says:

    “and they were ALL HEALED!!! ” I am expecting to see this.. and soon!!!!! Amen! (Plus bleppo is fun to say 😉 )

  8. Laurie Nicholson
    Laurie Nicholson says:

    Psalm 103:2-3 NKJV
    “Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all His benefits; Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases.” Sovereign Lord, we thank You for Your powerful Word. We stretch forth our hands and declare, “All those in London and the surrounding area, be healed, be made whole.” Hospitals emptied and churches overflowing. Miracle walls being erected full of crutches and wheelchairs testifying to the mighty healings of God. Thank You, Father. In Jesus’Name, Amen.

  9. Deborah Dewan
    Deborah Dewan says:

    Acts 4: 13 and 14 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled, and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus. And beholding the man which was healed standing with them, they could say nothing against it. Father God, when I read those verses, I can see that reaching out to heal someone was BOLD. I meditate on that and to myself I say, I don’t have a Bible College degree. I am just a normal human, but my second thought is wait, I have Holy Spirit living inside of me, so that applies to me, to stretch out my hand too. Healing in the mighty name of Jesus to the blind, the worried and anguished ones, the fearful, the sick of any kind because Jesus wore the stripes on his back, he shed his blood for our healing. Thank you Lord for that revelation.

  10. Chuck
    Chuck says:

    I love that scripture- healing is rhe children’s bread.
    Calls me to attention, quickens me inside … it’s like saying – HEY! Wake up! Look at me! This is yours! Take it!

  11. Ene Peter
    Ene Peter says:

    Healing is embedded in the package of Salvation. It is a total package and takes faith to receive. I command every spirit of infirmity out in Jesus name,be healed. My daughter’s turmoil in the hand is devolved and she’s healed in Jesus name. Amen.

  12. Judi & Glen Smeltzer
    Judi & Glen Smeltzer says:

    We are dispensers of heavenly favour! Healing in every area – physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally in Jesus’ name! Amen

  13. Gayle Dew
    Gayle Dew says:

    Lord, our creator, our miracle worker, you never stop working! During 2023, May we never stop doing what we have been called to do., We have been called to do what Jesus did & greater! So our job is to pray with boldness; we are the work of his hands and he is the one who heals/sets free/& preaches the gospel through our obedience.& testimonies. We are his image bearers who simply follow him & obey! He then in response to our obedience will show signs & wonders, drawing people through to Christ Jesus.. To God be the Glory!!


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