#413 The Jesus Trip, Power of Praise

#413 The Jesus Trip, Power Of Praise
By: D. Karl Thomas

(See download links at the bottom of the page for the Sermon Notes, PowerPoint Slides)

There was a preacher that was trying to sell his horse.
A potential buyer came to the church for a test ride.
“before you start” the preacher said,” you should know that this horse only responds to church talk. Go is praise the lord and stop is amen.”
So the man on the horse says ” Praise the lord,” and the horse starts to trot. The man again says “Praise the lord,” and the horse starts to gallop.
Suddenly there is a cliff right in front of the horse and the man yells “Amen!!!” The horse stops just at the edge of the cliff.  The man wipes the sweat from his brow and says, “Praise the Lord.”

Psalms is not a hymn book it’s a careful arrangement of songs designed to teach God’s people the purpose of God. Points to the messiah, JESUS!!!
Psalm 1-2intro— Meditate on the Word and Embrace the Promise
Ps. 2:12“Submit to God’s royal Son,…”

Psalm 145-150 conclusionPs. 148:14“And He has exalted the horn of His people, The praise of all His saints…”
Ps. 132:17 “There I will make the horn of Davidgrow; I will prepare a lamp for My Anointed.”
Rams horn of victory…speaking of the Messiah!

Five Books: All ending with same doxology —
Ps 41:13“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel From everlasting to everlasting! Amen and Amen.”
Made up of two basic types of song:Lament:— O God help!!!      Praise:— Glorious!!!

Psalm 22:30-31 (AMP)  “Posterity will serve Him; They will tell of the Lord to the next generation. They will come and declare His righteousness To a people yet to be born—that He has done it [and that it is finished].” 

MARTIN LUTHERWhen man’s natural ability is whetted and polished to the extent that it becomes an art, then do“we note with great surprise the great and perfect wisdom of God in music, which is, after all, His product and His gift; we marvel when we hear music in which one voice sings a simple melody, while three, four, or five other voices play and trip lustily around the voice that sings its simple melody and adorn this simple melody wonderfully with artistic musical effects, thus reminding us of a heavenly dance where all meet in a spirit of friendliness, caress, and embrace. . . . A person who gives this some thought and yet does not regard it [music] as a marvelous creation of God, must be a clodhopper indeed and does not deserve to be called a human being; he should be permitted to hear nothing but the braying of asses and the grunting of hogs. (Luther, “Preface to Georg Rhau’s Symphoniae iucundae,” LW 53, cited by Buszin in “Luther on Music,” The Musical Quarterly 32, no. 1 [1946]: 85)

Martin Luther   “The devil takes flight at the sound of music, just as he does at the words of theology…After theology I give the highest place and greatest honor to music.” 

John Wesley “Sing lustily and with good courage. Beware of singing as if you were half-dead, or half asleep; but lift up your voice with strength. Be no more afraid of your voice now, nor more ashamed of its being heard, than when you sung the  songs of Satan.”

Psalm 81:2“Sing! Beat the tambourine. Play the sweet lyre and the harp.”
Psalm 104:33“I will sing to the Lord as long as I live. I will praise my God to my last breath!”
Psalm 150:6“Let everything that breathes sing praises to the Lord! Praise the Lord!”

1. Sing To God
God is not in control, He’s in love!
Psalm 107:1“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.”
Pslam 104:1“Let all that I am praise the Lord. O Lord my God, how great you are! You are robed with honor and majesty.” 

Psalm 57:10“For your unfailing love is as high as the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.”
Pslam 59:16 “But as for me, I will sing about your power. Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love. For you have been my refuge, a place of safety when I am in distress.”

2. Sing To Yourself
Psalm 43:5  “Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior and my God!”
Psalm 104:1“Praise the LORD, I tell myself; O LORD my God, how great you are!” 

Psalm 50:23 (AMP) “He who brings an offering of praise and thanksgiving honors and glorifies Me; and he who orders his way aright [who prepares the waythat I may show him], to him I will demonstrate the salvation of God.” 

Changes You:
Physically… heal your body.   Mentally… make you smart.     Emotionally… shift attitude.
Music can rearrange your whole inner world.   Who do you think designed it that way?

3. Sing To Others
Psalm 22:3“He inhabits the praises of His people.”
Colossians 3:16“…teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing…”
Your song impacts others 

1 Samuel 16:23 “And so it was, whenever the spirit from God was upon Saul, that David would take a harp and play it with his hand. Then Saul would become refreshed and well, and the distressing spirit would depart from him.

4. Sing To Creation
Exercise In Governing:     Ps. 60:7  “Judah is My sceptre.”      Ps. 108:8“Judah is My sceptre.”
Ps. 8:2“Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” 

Psalm 149:6-9“Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, And a two-edged sword in their hand, To execute vengeance on the nations, And punishments on the peoples;  To bind their kings with chains, And their nobles with fetters of iron; To execute on them the written judgment—This honor have all His saints.  Praise the Lord! 

Psalm 110:2“The Lord will send forth from Zion the sceptre of Your strength; rule, then, in the midst of Your foes.”
Genesis 49:10 “The sceptre shall not depart from Judah (PRAISE), Nor a lawgiver from between his feet, Until Shiloh comes; And to Him shall be the obedience of the people.” 

Isaiah 30:29-32  “You shall have a song As in the night when a holy festival is kept, And gladness of heart as when one goes with a flute, … The Lord will cause His glorious voice to be heard, And show the descent of His arm, …It will be with tambourines and harps; And in battles of brandishing He will fight with it.” 

Praise Overcomes Your Preference   …. I don’t feel like it right now    …. I prefer to complain and whine
Don’t declare the problem introduce it to great God.
Suddenlies will happen!!!

The Jesus Trip, Power Of Praise, Sermon notes to print, PDF

The Jesus Trip, Power Of Praise, PowerPoint Slides, PDF

1 reply
  1. Chuck
    Chuck says:

    “I’m not in control, I’m in love”… Such a profound and powerful revelation and declaration! We, maybe me?, really can’t comprehend the depth of His love toward each of us… Amazing!


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