#274 W.I.J.D. Series# 9, Exposing The Glory

#274 W.I.J.D. Series# 9, Exposing The Glory
By Guest Speaker: Bobby Sullivan

Exposing the Hidden Glory/Working with the glory

Genesis 2:8-9,15  “ Now the Lord God planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there He put the man he had formed. And the Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground-trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil…The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” 

God has designed us and created us to live, reside and take up residence within His glory. I want you to track with me today…..
God put Adam in the Garden to do what?       “To work it and take care of it.”    He was not there to pray, to worship, attend anything. Why? Because Adam was in unbroken, undefiled fellowship with God already. Adam lived in Gods glory.

Adams’s assignment was to work the garden and because he did, Adam found purpose, fullness, enrichment, pleasure. Why? Because he worked in the manifestation of Gods glory!

God exposed his glory through the expression of the Garden. When Adam worked in that expression, He became exposed to it as well. Adam was a by product by association.

In Genesis 2:15 the word “Work” is translated Abad. It is the same word used in Genesis 2:5 “…and there was no man to work the ground.”  It means to “to do or make” , “to worship or obey” and “to enslave, reduce or servitude.”
The Biblical concept of work , then involves creativity, worship, obedience and service.
So…..in these meanings we can see the full range of what  the word “WORK” meant for Adam.

1 Adam exercised is God given creativity by cultivating the garde
2 Adam’s work was his service to God “servitude” not bondage. Adam was being what he was created to do. Work as service also means to serve oneself to the world; to pour out, expend, express, and expose someone’s fullest energy and potential for the good and benefit of others.
3 When Adam worked he was obeying God, and in this expression of gratitude he experienced worship rather than doing it.

How often do we think of our work as an expression of worship?

The Hebrew Word for “Take care of” is “shamar”, which means “to keep”, “to guard or protect”  (Strongs H8104) also means “watchman”
Adam was not only the caretaker of the garden, he was the guardian, protector,  and watchman.

“As man is the image and glory of God, his work is the expression and exposure of God’s glory and nature.” Myles Munroe

For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name…” Hebrews 6:10

The story is told of a woman who cleaned the same office building for many years. When asked how she endured the drudgery of doing the same chores day in and day out, she replied, “It’s not drudgery. You see, I’m working for the King and He’s pleased along with others when I do my best.”

This woman found the secret to satisfying work. Her focus was not on the tasks, but on the Lord and people. She focused on serving the Lord and her fellow man.

How about you? When was the last time you found joy in your work?
The Bible gives us a key: “Whatever you do…do all for the glory of God.”
When we work for the Lord and to serve other people, work can bring us joy and fulfillment. It all depends on our attitude.

Are you anticipating another day of drudgery? That’s what you’ll probably get. But if you’re planning to live this day to please God and to serve others, you may be surprised how the drudgery is replaced by meaning and purpose.

Norvene Vest in her 1996 book “Friend of the Soul: A Benedictine Spirituality of Work.” Vest adds: God’s presence can seem all but lost in work environments that dampen rather than foster our creativity.

“God’s original intention was that work express the unique gifts and qualities of each person in the service of a unified whole, like a melody that is diminished by the absence of any single note. Many of us harbor some form of this vision: a deep, often unspoken sense that we have been created for a special purpose, that we have a serious and holy calling to be expressed through active engagement with the world around us–that is, through our work.”

2)  He is Producing  SEEDS OF GLORY
One of the best ways to describe the process of exposing whats inside of you is the progression of the apple within the seed.
An apple seed is just a seed, but hidden inside the tree is not only another apple, not only a apple tree but the potential for an entire orchard of apple trees!
Having a seed does not guarantee a apple!
Having a apple does not guarantee a tree
Nor does having a having tree guarantee an orchard.   What guarantees these things are the proper conditions.
The seed will become what it was created to be when it is planted in the right soil, watered etc.
God programmed growth, maturity, and completeness in every seed including the seed of man!

Hebrews 1:3 “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being sustaining all things by His powerful hand.”

Hebrews 11:12 “So from one man, though he was physically as good as dead, there have sprung descendants whose number is as the stars of heaven and as countless as the innumerable sands of the seashore.” 

God did not look at the outside of Abraham but on the inside for what he could produce. He did not look at his age but focused on the nations that would come from him.

Abrahams body contained what was needed to produce a multitude of descendants or believers, but he had to follow God in Faith!

“God did not look at his qualifications but focused on the seed that produced nations.” PBS
Faith was the environment that produced the results!

Abraham began with only a seed but ended up “becoming” the father of a nation.

We need to return to EDEN
It is only when we are in the Garden of Gods presence that we become!
Whoever we were born to be we already are, but bringing it out requires patience, hard work and the right environment.  So how do we bring out the full glory within us?

1) Being in the right environment

No amount of work and patience will produce the results we are looking for if we are not in the right environment.
Where we are is more important than what we’re doing.

If you are in the wrong place , you will never accomplish what your supposed to do or reflect who you are or who Christ is in you because the glory is covered, hindered or even aborted.
Living in the glory, living in the garden of His presence, growing in His love is more important than anything we could try to do for Him that are results of the flesh.

Jesus said in Matthew 5:48 “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

Perfect in greek is “teleios” which means completeness or full of age. It does not mean “without defect”  No one is perfect, but there is such a thing as being or becoming complete and fully mature.

3) What is Jesus doing? SHIFTing our mindset to cultivate our gardens

Matthew 25:14-30  Watch what happened to the third servant!

Is a talent money in the Bible or is it a gift?
talanton  Pronounced tal’-an-ton
(to bear); a balance (as supporting weights), a certain weight (a coin or rather sum of money) or “talent”:

While taking a look at this text one phrase jumped out at me, “according to his several ability.”   personal ability AMP

force (literally or figuratively); specially, miraculous
I think this sheds a little more light on the subject.

It is not the talents or money that God is interested in but the ability that we develop.  Are we using our abilities to the fullest?

4) He is restoring your faith for healing now so others can experience it.

Without faith people remain who they are. With it, people are refreshed. Without faith to believe that God can, wants to, and his healing then we live in a failed system of hope not reality.
FUNCTIONAL FAITH FOR THE FUTURE  You must function in supernatural faith in a faithless world to see in the natural what you hope for in the heavenly realm.  Heaven is full of faith~ SO when you pray “they kingdom come they will be done” you are essentially are accepting faith and agreeing to function in it.  “This world is filled with unbelief even as a virtue. It’s called critical thinking” Bill Johnson
“you and I will always reflect the nature of the world we are most aware of” BJ 

Peters shadow  (your shadow will always release what overshadows you)

I know Doug personally . He is not even remotely interested in engaging the work of the Holy Spirit for ministry as much as he is out of intimacy. Its out of the intimacy and his love for God that’s Gods love is manifesting through healing.

If you engage with the Holy Spirit simply for what He can do for you and through you then you are developing professional intimacy!!  We do not want to be labeled that way. DO WE?  Everything we do should come from yielded life. We can not contaminate our culture. We can walk in a glory bubble and still function as a human. Mind you a “super”  “natural” one.
Its out of relationship that you learn how to release HIS Presence.

5) What is Jesus doing? Re establishing Intimacy!!

He is willing to give you a measure of His Presence that you are willing to jealously guard.  Bill Johnson   Heaven is being moved by the heart of the individual!!
If obedience paves the way for the miraculous then your faith in action and your obedience has an influence on the outcome of things!

Jesus must be a LIFE Style!!!!    

God wants us to host his presence out of relationship so that when a demand is placed our “will” doenst need to be involved because it will already be aligned with HIS!!!!   We cant reduce His presence to a principle!

Mark 3 1-10
This is more than just a hand being healed but rather the faithless heart of a system that has become dysfunctional. The opposite of faith is uncertainty. Why is it that we have voluntarily put ourselves in a position of doubt that  doesn’t require God?  The answer is because we think that we have figured him. 

When is the last time that you stepped out in faith to such a degree that the results demanded an explanation?
When is the last time that your faith to see someone healed stretched yo so much that this MUST BE GOD?

The intention of the Sabbath was to be a blessing. IT was sacred, holy, set apart and exclusive to God alone.
(We are the Sabbath)

They turned the Sabbath into objection and depersonalized God, Jesus had to remind them that any occasion is the right occasion  to live out who He was and present a living Jesus to a dying world! Any occasion is the right occasion to transform a life.

Vs 4 “Is it lawful and right on the Sabbath to do good or do evil, to save a life or take it? But they kept silence.

VS 5 What is worse?  A shriffled hand or a hardened  heart?
Listen, the condition of the mans hand was a image of the peoples heart  The system was reflective in the symptom and Jesus came to fix both 

Jesus didn’t ask for his good hand but his bad. HE doesn’t want to restore whats already good but wants to restore that which is not

** Why did Jesus have to instigate a thought , challenge the norm on a day that HE knew would rock the religious boat and upset the carriage?
HE wanted to show them on a day that they were not supposed to work, that what they were doing was not working?  ( we are set apart to him not just a day) He used the opportunity to confront a system!!

He was not just trying to fix a situation but was about to upset a system.

He wants to fix the situational dysfunction that is breaking the system that is created the situation. He wants to break the manmade attempt to confine God into a box. You faith is no longer a private matter. Your faith is no longer compartmentalized and confined to a day. Your faith is ready to  released in any situation that places a demand on it.

What is Jesus doing?  Well, since HE lives in the believer, He is doing whatever he is allowed to do through you

BILL BRIGHT “The entire Christian life is becoming in experience
What we already have by inheritance”

Is your faith to see healing like a china plate where its only brought out on special occasions? Are you stimulated to hit the streets and pray for the sick only when MR. Healer comes to town? Faith is not functional on only special occasions.

I want a faith that is not held hostage to the outcome. I want a faith that is drawn on when I’m guaranteed 80% success.

There are 2 outcomes here.
1) the mans hand was healed
2) Vs 6 The one who stepped out in faith (jesus) was now faced with death because of his decision

If your faith is dependent on the outcome, its just a matter of time before you lose and never risk your reputation again.
Do you really need a certain outcome to validate your faith? What happens if you don’t get what you believe? Is your belief system wrong? NO , you have a functional faith that is not continuant on the immediate results !!! 

Your faith should never be based on an outcome but an outlook!!!!!! My faith is not hostage to the outcome. My faith is an outlook that helps me seize an opportunity.

IMPORTANT. I don act because of a 100% certainty on sight but I act because of a 100% of faith.

What is Jesus doing? Re establishing faith in faithless faithful!
So you can be His legal mouthpiece, His rep, his hand extended to heal the city

Faith is a course of action that changes your frame of mind. If you want to seeing more healings in London, you need a MIND SHIFT! 


Your faith for the miraculous is not regulated to building blocks. Its not limited to a structure and not contingent on if you finished ISOM or your BA, or MA!! You faith is activated by believing that Jesus was , is and is to come and he has infused you with all you need to heal the sick and be his representative here on this earth.

Faith will demand you to do what you have never done.  Look at Vs 5. Jesus told to hold out the hand that was restored. He could not do that before 

Your faith TO DO is like the withered hand. It can be hidden among activity and no one will ever know.  BUT YOU> You can still have a symptom and still blend in to the system 

Quite often we get the order mixed up. We want to be restored before we respond. But Jesus says you need to respond then you will be restored.  Jesus wants to hold out your hand first

274 W.I.J.D. Series# 9, Exposing the Glory, PowerPoint Slides

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